sugars 0.4.0

A collection of macros in Rust to make some tasks easier to use or less verbose

Sugars - Nice Rust macros for better writing

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This crate provides a collection of macros to make some tasks easier to use on Rust ecosystem.

What it has to offer?

  • boxed: A simple macro to make a new Box value.
  • btmap: Create a BTreeMap from a list of key-value pairs
  • btset: Create a BTreeSet from a list of elements
  • cmap: Macro to HashMap collection comprehensions¹
  • cset: Macro to HashSet collection comprehensions¹
  • cvec: Macro to Vec collection comprehensions¹
  • dur: Creates a Duration object following a time pattern²
  • hmap: Create a HashMap from a list of key-value pairs
  • hset: Create a HashSet from a list of elements
  • sleep: Makes a thread sleep a amount following a time pattern²
  • time: Print out the time it took to execute a given expression in seconds
  1. The comprehension macros supports a haskell-like as well as python-like writing syntax and have the limitation of not supporting nesting
  2. A time pattern can be: mim, sec, nano, micro, milli



assert_eq!(Box::new(10), boxed!(10));

hmap and btmap: Usage are the same, just change HashMap to BTreeMap and hmap! to btmap!

let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert("1", 1);
map.insert("2", 2);

let map2 = hmap!{"1" => 1, "2" => 2};

assert_eq!(map, map2);

hset and btset: Usage are the same, just change HashSet to BTreeSet and hset! to btset!

let mut set = HashSet::new();

let set2 = hset!{1, 2};

assert_eq!(set, set2);

dur and sleep

let d1 = dur!(10 sec);
let d2 = Duration::from_secs(10);

assert_eq!(d1, d2);

// Sleeps uses the same syntax, but makes the thread sleep for the given time
sleep!(10 sec)

cvec: Notice that cvec can be nested up to 3 times max

// Normal comprehension
cvec![x | x <- 0..10];

// You can filter as well
cvec![x | x <- 0..10, if x % 2 == 0];

cset: Notice that cset cannot be nested

// Normal comprehension
cset!{x | x <- 0..10};

// You can filter as well
cset!{x | x <- 0..10, if x % 2 == 0};

cmap: Notice that cmap cannot be nested

// Normal comprehension
cmap!{x => x*2 | x <= x <- 1..10};

// You can filter as well
cmap!{x => x*2 | x <= x <- 1..10, if x%2 == 0};


// Should print to stderr ≈ 2.0000 seconds
time!( sleep!(2 sec) );

// It also return the evaluated expression, like dbg! macro
let x = time!( 100 + 20 );


This software is licensed under the MIT Public License.