succinct 0.3.0

Succinct data structures for Rust
# Succinct Data Structures for Rust

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[![License: MIT](](LICENSE-MIT)
[![License: Apache 2.0](](LICENSE-APACHE)

This library is a very early work in progress. So far we have:

  - integer vectors with arbitrary-sized (1- to 64-bit) elements;
  - bit vectors and bit buffers,
  - a variety of universal codes,
  - constant-time rank queries; and
  - *O*(lg lg *n*)-time select queries based on binary search over ranks.

## Usage

It’s [on](, so you can add

succinct = "0.3.0"

to your `Cargo.toml` and

extern crate succinct;

to your crate root.

## Credits

  - `IntVec` borrows some implementation techniques from
    [`nbitsvec`] The main
    difference is that `nbitsvec` uses a `typenum` to put the element
    size (in bits) as a parameter to the vector type. Also, `nbitsvec`
    is likely to be faster.

  - Some of the API is inspired by
    [SDSL], a C++ succinct data
    structures library. It’s much more complete than `succinct`, and
    probably more correct and faster too.