substrate-subxt 0.15.0

Submit extrinsics (transactions) to a substrate node via RPC
# subxt · ![build] [![Latest Version]] [![Documentation]]

A library to **sub**mit e**xt**rinsics to a [substrate]( node via RPC.

## Usage

See [examples](./examples).

## Integration Testing

Most tests require a running substrate node to communicate with. This is done by spawning an instance of the
substrate node per test. It requires an executable binary `substrate` at [`v3.0.0`]( on your path.

This can be done by downloading the prebuilt binary:

curl "" --output substrate --location
chmod +x ./substrate
mv substrate ~/.local/bin

Or installed from source via cargo:

cargo install --git node-cli --tag=v3.0.0 --force


[substrate-api-client]( provides similar functionality.

## Subxt Client
By default the client builder will connect to a full node via rpc. The `subxt-client` helps
embedding a light client directly. It can also be used to embed a full node. This is especially
useful for testing and ci.

#### License

The entire code within this repository is licensed under the <a href="LICENSE">GPLv3</a>.
Please <a href="">contact us</a> if you have questions about the licensing of our