substrait 0.4.0

Cross-Language Serialization for Relational Algebra
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

//! [Substrait]: Cross-Language Serialization for Relational Algebra
//! # Serialization and deserialization
//! This crate provides generated types to serialize and deserialize Substrait
//! data.
//! ## Protobuf
//! Protobuf serialization and deserialization are provided via [prost] in the
//! [proto] module.
//! ### Example
//! #### Serialize and deserialize a plan
//! ```rust
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), prost::DecodeError> {
//! use prost::Message;
//! use substrait::proto::Plan;
//! let plan = Plan::default();
//! // Serialize the plan
//! let encoded = plan.encode_to_vec();
//! // Deserialize the buffer to a Plan
//! let decoded = Plan::decode(encoded.as_slice())?;
//! assert_eq!(plan, decoded);
//! # Ok(()) }
//! ```
//! ### Serde support
//! There are two (non-default) features available that provide derived
//! [Deserialize](serde::Deserialize) and [Serialize](serde::Serialize)
//! implementations for the generated types.
//! Note that these features are mutually exclusive. The main difference between
//! those implementations are the field name case convention and field value
//! encoding. The examples below show how the `minor_number` field name in
//! [Version](proto::Version) matches the Protobuf field name with the `serde`
//! feature whereas it expects a lower camel case `minorNumber` field name with
//! the `pbjson` feature enabled. Please refer to the [Protobuf JSON Mapping]
//! documentation for more details.
//! #### `serde`
//! This adds `#[serde(Deserialize, Serialize)]` to all generated Protobuf
//! types. In addition, to match Protobuf defaults for missing optional data,
//! this adds `[serde(default)]` to all messages.
//! ##### Example
//! ###### Deserialize a plan version using the `serde` feature
//! ```rust
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), serde_json::Error> {
//! # #[cfg(feature="serde")] {
//! use substrait::proto::Version;
//! let version_json = r#"{
//!   "minor_number": 21
//! }"#;
//! let version = serde_json::from_str::<Version>(version_json)?;
//! assert_eq!(
//!   version,
//!   Version {
//!     minor_number: 21,
//!     ..Default::default()
//!   }
//! );
//! # } Ok(()) }
//! ```
//! #### `pbjson`
//! This generates serde implementation that match the [Protobuf JSON Mapping]
//! via [pbjson].
//! ##### Example
//! ###### Deserialize a plan version using the `pbjson` feature
//! ```rust
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), serde_json::Error> {
//! # #[cfg(feature="pbjson")] {
//! use substrait::proto::Version;
//! let version_json = r#"{
//!   "minorNumber": 21
//! }"#;
//! let version = serde_json::from_str::<Version>(version_json)?;
//! assert_eq!(
//!   version,
//!   Version {
//!     minor_number: 21,
//!     ..Default::default()
//!   }
//! );
//! # } Ok(()) }
//! ```
//! ## Text
//! Substrait defines a YAML schema for extensions. Types with serialization and
//! deserialization support for these are provided via [typify] in the [text]
//! module.
//! ### Example
//! #### Read a simple extension
//! ```rust
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), serde_yaml::Error> {
//! use substrait::text::simple_extensions::SimpleExtensions;
//! let simple_extension_yaml = r#"
//! %YAML 1.2
//! ---
//! scalar_functions:
//!   -
//!     name: "add"
//!     description: "Add two values."
//!     impls:
//!       - args:
//!          - name: x
//!            value: i8
//!          - name: y
//!            value: i8
//!         options:
//!           overflow:
//!             values: [ SILENT, SATURATE, ERROR ]
//!         return: i8
//! "#;
//! let simple_extension = serde_yaml::from_str::<SimpleExtensions>(simple_extension_yaml)?;
//! assert_eq!(simple_extension.scalar_functions.len(), 1);
//! assert_eq!(simple_extension.scalar_functions[0].name, "add");
//! # Ok(()) }
//! ```
//! [pbjson]:
//! [Protobuf JSON Mapping]:
//! [Substrait]:
//! [typify]:

    html_logo_url = "",
    html_favicon_url = ""

#[allow(clippy::needless_borrow, clippy::large_enum_variant)]
pub mod proto;

pub mod text;