substrace_lints 0.2.0

Subcrate that hosts the actual substrace lints
#![recursion_limit = "512"]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "deny-warnings", deny(warnings))]
#![allow(clippy::missing_docs_in_private_items, clippy::must_use_candidate)]
#![warn(trivial_casts, trivial_numeric_casts)]
// warn on lints, that are included in `rust-lang/rust`s bootstrap
#![warn(rust_2018_idioms, unused_lifetimes)]
// warn on rustc internal lints
// Disable this rustc lint for now, as it was also done in rustc

// FIXME: switch to something more ergonomic here, once available.
// (Currently there is no way to opt into sysroot crates without `extern crate`.)
extern crate rustc_ast;
extern crate rustc_data_structures;
extern crate rustc_errors;
extern crate rustc_hir;
extern crate rustc_lint;
extern crate rustc_session;
extern crate rustc_span;

extern crate substrace_utils;

use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashSet;
use rustc_lint::LintId;
use rustc_semver::RustcVersion;
use rustc_session::Session;

/// Macro used to declare a Substrace lint.
/// Every lint declaration consists of 4 parts:
/// 1. The documentation, which is used for the website
/// 2. The `LINT_NAME`. See [lint naming][lint_naming] on lint naming conventions.
/// 3. The `lint_level`, which is a mapping from *one* of our lint groups to `Allow`, `Warn` or
///    `Deny`. The lint level here has nothing to do with what lint groups the lint is a part of.
/// 4. The `description` that contains a short explanation on what's wrong with code where the
///    lint is triggered.
/// Currently the categories `style`, `correctness`, `suspicious`, `complexity` and `perf` are
/// enabled by default. As said in the of this repository, if the lint level mapping
/// changes, please update
/// # Example
/// ```
/// #![feature(rustc_private)]
/// extern crate rustc_session;
/// use rustc_session::declare_tool_lint;
/// use substrace_lints::declare_substrace_lint;
/// declare_substrace_lint! {
///     /// ### What it does
///     /// Checks for ... (describe what the lint matches).
///     ///
///     /// ### Why is this bad?
///     /// Supply the reason for linting the code.
///     ///
///     /// ### Example
///     /// ```rust
///     /// Insert a short example of code that triggers the lint
///     /// ```
///     ///
///     /// Use instead:
///     /// ```rust
///     /// Insert a short example of improved code that doesn't trigger the lint
///     /// ```
///     pub LINT_NAME,
///     pedantic,
///     "description"
/// }
/// ```
/// [lint_naming]:
macro_rules! declare_substrace_lint {
    { $(#[$attr:meta])* pub $name:tt, style, $description:tt } => {
        declare_tool_lint! {
            $(#[$attr])* pub substrace::$name, Warn, $description, report_in_external_macro: true
    { $(#[$attr:meta])* pub $name:tt, correctness, $description:tt } => {
        declare_tool_lint! {
            $(#[$attr])* pub substrace::$name, Deny, $description, report_in_external_macro: true
    { $(#[$attr:meta])* pub $name:tt, suspicious, $description:tt } => {
        declare_tool_lint! {
            $(#[$attr])* pub substrace::$name, Warn, $description, report_in_external_macro: true
    { $(#[$attr:meta])* pub $name:tt, complexity, $description:tt } => {
        declare_tool_lint! {
            $(#[$attr])* pub substrace::$name, Warn, $description, report_in_external_macro: true
    { $(#[$attr:meta])* pub $name:tt, perf, $description:tt } => {
        declare_tool_lint! {
            $(#[$attr])* pub substrace::$name, Warn, $description, report_in_external_macro: true
    { $(#[$attr:meta])* pub $name:tt, pedantic, $description:tt } => {
        declare_tool_lint! {
            $(#[$attr])* pub substrace::$name, Allow, $description, report_in_external_macro: true
    { $(#[$attr:meta])* pub $name:tt, restriction, $description:tt } => {
        declare_tool_lint! {
            $(#[$attr])* pub substrace::$name, Allow, $description, report_in_external_macro: true
    { $(#[$attr:meta])* pub $name:tt, cargo, $description:tt } => {
        declare_tool_lint! {
            $(#[$attr])* pub substrace::$name, Allow, $description, report_in_external_macro: true
    { $(#[$attr:meta])* pub $name:tt, nursery, $description:tt } => {
        declare_tool_lint! {
            $(#[$attr])* pub substrace::$name, Allow, $description, report_in_external_macro: true
    { $(#[$attr:meta])* pub $name:tt, internal, $description:tt } => {
        declare_tool_lint! {
            $(#[$attr])* pub substrace::$name, Allow, $description, report_in_external_macro: true
    { $(#[$attr:meta])* pub $name:tt, internal_warn, $description:tt } => {
        declare_tool_lint! {
            $(#[$attr])* pub substrace::$name, Warn, $description, report_in_external_macro: true

#[cfg(feature = "internal")]
pub mod deprecated_lints;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "internal", allow(clippy::missing_clippy_version_attribute))]
mod utils;

// begin lints modules, do not remove this comment, it’s used in `update_lints`
// end lints modules, do not remove this comment, it’s used in `update_lints`

mod substrace_lints;
use substrace_lints::{

pub use crate::utils::conf::Conf;
use crate::utils::conf::{format_error, TryConf};

/// Register all pre expansion lints
/// Pre-expansion lints run before any macro expansion has happened.
/// Note that due to the architecture of the compiler, currently `cfg_attr` attributes on crate
/// level (i.e `#![cfg_attr(...)]`) will still be expanded even when using a pre-expansion pass.
/// Used in `./src/`.
pub fn register_pre_expansion_lints(store: &mut rustc_lint::LintStore, sess: &Session, conf: &Conf) {


pub fn read_conf(sess: &Session) -> Conf {
    let file_name = match utils::conf::lookup_conf_file() {
        Ok(Some(path)) => path,
        Ok(None) => return Conf::default(),
        Err(error) => {
            sess.struct_err(&format!("error finding Substrace's configuration file: {}", error))
            return Conf::default();

    let TryConf { conf, errors, warnings } = utils::conf::read(&file_name);
    // all conf errors are non-fatal, we just use the default conf in case of error
    for error in errors {
            "error reading Substrace's configuration file `{}`: {}",

    for warning in warnings {
            "error reading Substrace's configuration file `{}`: {}",


/// Register all lints and lint groups with the rustc plugin registry
/// Used in `./src/`.
pub fn register_plugins(store: &mut rustc_lint::LintStore, sess: &Session, conf: &Conf) {


    store.register_late_pass(|_| Box::new(no_panics::Panics::new()));
    store.register_late_pass(|_| Box::new(missing_security_doc::DocMarkdown));

// only exists to let the dogfood integration test works.
// Don't run substrace as an executable directly
fn main() {
    panic!("Please use the cargo-substrace executable");