substrace 0.2.0

a tool for linting Substrate projects for specific gotchas and other errors
substrace-0.2.0 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: substrace-0.1.0

Substrace: Experimental Static Analysis for Substrate Projects

Substrace is a tool for linting substrate projects for specific gotchas and other errors.


Install through cargo install substrace. Run using cargo substrace.


Currently the following lints are used:

  • missing_security_doc: checks for the presence Security headers on storage maps using suspicious hashing functions, such as Twox64Concat.

More lints will be added in the future, initially targetting checks that ensure storage consistencies. Currently in the works:

  • panics: ensures that clippy has been properly configured to avoid panics in code.
  • storage_iter_insert: checks that storage isn't simultaniously being mutated whilst iteration is active.