pub trait TLocalizationServiceSyncClient {
    fn switch_language(
        &mut self,
        language: String,
        load_all_context: bool,
        remove_old: bool
    ) -> Result<bool>; fn get_current_language(&mut self) -> Result<String>; fn switch_context(
        &mut self,
        context: String,
        language: String
    ) -> Result<bool>; fn hint_context(&mut self) -> Result<String>; fn get_string(
        &mut self,
        key: String,
        context: String,
        language: String
    ) -> Result<String>; fn get_strings(
        &mut self,
        filter: String,
        context: String,
        language: String
    ) -> Result<BTreeMap<String, String>>; fn get_file_name(
        &mut self,
        filename: String,
        is_virtual_path: bool,
        context: String
    ) -> Result<String>; }

Required Methods

Switch language to specified one.

Get currently active language

Switch a context of the language.

Get currently active context.

Get a localization string. Return: localization string.

Get a set of localization string.

Get the file name/path in the language.

The search will go through the context and its sub context to find the file name. Eg. If file name is not found in context com.ruyi, then the search will go on to find it in com.ruyi.moduleA and com.ruyi.moduleB.
