stylish-stringlike 0.3.0

API for string-like objects that have styles applied.
use super::{Expandable, Pushable, RawText, Sliceable};
use regex::Regex;
/// Replacing text in text-like objects.
/// This is implemented for [`String`] by default.
pub trait Replaceable<T> {
    /// Perform literal string replacement.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// use stylish_stringlike::text::*;
    /// let foo = String::from("foo");
    /// let bar = Replaceable::<&String>::replace(&foo, "foo", &String::from("bar"));
    /// assert_eq!(String::from("bar"), bar);
    /// ```
    fn replace(&self, from: &str, replacer: T) -> Self;
    /// Perform regex string replacement.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// use regex::Regex;
    /// use stylish_stringlike::text::*;
    /// let foooo = String::from("foooo");
    /// let re = Regex::new("fo+").unwrap();
    /// let bar = Replaceable::<&String>::replace_regex(&foooo, &re, &String::from("bar"));
    /// assert_eq!(bar, String::from("bar"));
    /// ```
    fn replace_regex(&self, searcher: &Regex, replacer: T) -> Self;

impl<'a, T> Replaceable<&'a T> for T
    T: Default + RawText + Sliceable + Pushable<T> + Expandable,
    fn replace(&self, from: &str, replacer: &'a T) -> Self {
        let mut result: T = Default::default();
        let mut last_end = 0;
        for (start, part) in self.raw_ref().match_indices(from) {
            eprintln!("start: {}, part: {}", start, part);
            match self.slice(last_end..start) {
                Some(slice) if !slice.raw_ref().is_empty() => {
                _ => {}
            last_end = start + part.len();
        match self.slice(last_end..) {
            Some(slice) if !slice.raw_ref().is_empty() => {
            _ => {}
    fn replace_regex(&self, searcher: &Regex, replacer: &'a T) -> Self {
        let mut result: T = Default::default();
        let mut last_end = 0;
        let captures = searcher.captures_iter(self.raw_ref());
        for capture in captures {
            let mat = capture
                .expect("Captures are always supposed to have at least one match");
            if let Some(slice) = self.slice(last_end..mat.start()) {
                if let Some(_original) = self.slice(mat.start()..mat.end()) {
                    let expanded = replacer.expand(&capture);
            last_end = mat.end();
        if let Some(spans) = self.slice(last_end..) {

mod test {
    use super::*;
    fn test_string_replace() {
        let foo = String::from("foo");
        let bar = Replaceable::<&String>::replace(&foo, "foo", &String::from("bar"));
        eprintln!("bar: {}", bar);
        assert_eq!(bar, String::from("bar"));
    fn test_string_regex_replace() {
        let foooo = String::from("foooo");
        let re = Regex::new("fo+").unwrap();
        let bar = Replaceable::<&String>::replace_regex(&foooo, &re, &String::from("bar"));
        assert_eq!(bar, String::from("bar"));