strum_macros 0.20.1

Helpful macros for working with enums and strings
version = "0.3"

version = "1.0"

version = "1.0"

features = ["parsing", "extra-traits"]
version = "1.0"
version = "0.20"

verbose-asrefstr-name = []
verbose-asstaticstr-name = []
verbose-display-name = []
verbose-enumcount-name = []
verbose-enumdiscriminants-name = []
verbose-enumiter-name = []
verbose-enummessage-name = []
verbose-enumproperty-name = []
verbose-enumstring-name = []
verbose-intostaticstr-name = []
verbose-tostring-name = []
verbose-variant-names = []

name = "strum_macros"
proc-macro = true

authors = ["Peter Glotfelty <>"]
categories = ["development-tools::procedural-macro-helpers", "parsing"]
description = "Helpful macros for working with enums and strings"
documentation = ""
edition = "2018"
homepage = ""
keywords = ["enum", "string", "macros", "proc-macros"]
license = "MIT"
name = "strum_macros"
readme = "../"
repository = ""
version = "0.20.1"