[][src]Type Definition structural::field::GetVariantFieldType

type GetVariantFieldType<This, Variant, Field> = <This as FieldType<VariantField<Variant, Field>>>::Ty;

Gets the type of a variant field, most useful when the variant and field TStrs are passed separately.

The Variant and Field type parameters are expected to be TStr.

Example: GetVariantFieldType<This, TS!(Foo), TS!(0)>

If you want to write the type parameter as FP!(::Foo.bar), then you can use GetFieldType instead.


use structural::{StructuralExt,TS,fp};
use structural::field::GetVariantFieldType;
use structural::for_examples::Variants;

let this = Variants::Foo(8,13);

let value: u32= this.into_field(fp!(::Foo.0)).unwrap();

let value: GetVariantFieldType<Variants, TS!(Foo), TS!(0)>= value;

assert_eq!( value, 8_u32 );