stroke 0.2.0

A zero-allocation library providing const-generic implementations of Bézier curves, B-Spline curves and specialized implementations of up to cubic Bézier curves in N-dimensional euclidean space. It is intended for general/embedded/wasm use supporting #![no_std] environments written in 100% safe Rust.
default-features = false
features = ["libm"]
version = "^0.2"

features = ["rustc_1_55"]
version = "^1.5"
version = "^0.3.0"

authors = ["Dorian Prill"]
categories = ["no-std", "science", "graphics", "mathematics", "data-structures"]
description = "A zero-allocation library providing const-generic \n                implementations of Bézier curves, B-Spline curves \n                and specialized implementations of up to cubic Bézier \n                curves in N-dimensional euclidean space. It is intended \n                for general/embedded/wasm use supporting #![no_std] \n                environments written in 100% safe Rust."
edition = "2021"
exclude = ["*.png", "examples/*", ".github/*", ".gitignore", ".vscode/*"]
keywords = ["point", "bezier", "spline", "graphics", "path"]
license = "MIT"
name = "stroke"
readme = ""
repository = ""
version = "0.2.0"