stripe-rust 0.11.0

API bindings for the Stripe v1 HTTP API
fn main() {
    // Create a new client
    let secret_key = std::env::var("STRIPE_SECRET_KEY").expect("Missing STRIPE_SECRET_KEY in env");
    let client = stripe::Client::new(secret_key);

    // Define a card to charge
    let card = "card_189g322eZvKYlo2CeoPw2sdy".parse().expect("expected card to be valid");

    // Define the charge
    let mut params = stripe::CreateCharge::new();
    params.amount = Some(1000);
    params.source = Some(stripe::ChargeSourceParams::Card(card));

    // Create the charge
    let charge = stripe::Charge::create(&client, params).unwrap();

    // Output in a ~prettyprint format
        "Charge {{
    id: {:?},
    amount: {:?},
    created: {:?},
    status: {:?},
}}",, charge.amount, charge.created, charge.status