strict_encoding 1.6.1

Strict encoding: deterministic binary serialization for networking & client-side validation
# Strict encoding library


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[![Apache-2 licensed](](./LICENSE)

Deterministic binary serialization for client-side-validation.

This library implements **strict encoding** standard, defined by
Strict encoding is a binary conservative encoding extensively used in
client-side-validation for deterministic portable (platform-independent)
serialization of data with a known internal data structure. Strict encoding
is a schema-less encoding.

As a part of strict encoding, crate also includes implementation of
network address **uniform encoding** standard
which allows representation of any kind of network address as a fixed-size
byte string occupying 37 bytes. This standard is used for the strict
encoding of networking addresses.

Client-side-validation is a paradigm for distributed computing, based on top of
proof-of-publication/commitment medium layer, which may be a bitcoin blockchain
or other type of distributed consensus system.

The development of the library is supported by 
[LNP/BP Standards Association](

The library is designed after Peter Todd concepts of proofmarshall and 
serialization principles for client-side-validated data and Dr Maxim Orlovsky 
idea of universal network encodings. Both were shaped into the standards and 
implemented as a part of this library by Dr Maxim Orlovsky.

## Documentation

Detailed developer & API documentation for the library can be accessed
at <>

To learn about the technologies enabled by the library please check
[slides from our tech presentations](
and [LNP/BP tech talks videos](

## Usage

To use the library, you just need to reference a latest version, in
`[dependencies]` section of your project `Cargo.toml`.

strict_encoding = "1.3"

If you are using other client-side-validation libraries, consider importing
just a single [`client_side_validation`] library which re-exports all of them,
including the current one.

Library defines two main traits, [`StrictEncode`] and [`StrictDecode`],
which should be implemented on each type that requires to be represented
for client-side-validation. 

Library exports derivation macros `#[derive(StrictEncode, StrictDecode)]`, 
which are a part of [`strict_encoding_derive`] sub-crate and controlled by a 
default feature `derive`. Finally, it implements strict encoding traits for main
data types defined by rust standard library and frequently used crates; the
latter increases the number of dependencies and thus can be controlled with
feature flags:
- `chrono` (used by default): date & time types from `chrono` crate
- `miniscript`: types defined in bitcoin Miniscript
- `crypto`: non-bitcoin cryptographic primitives, which include Ed25519
  curve, X25519 signatures from `ed25519-dalek` library and pedersen
  commitments + bulletproofs from `grin_secp256k1zkp` library. Encodings for
  other cryptography-related types, such as Secp256k1 and hashes, are always
  included as a part of the library - see NB below.

This crate requires `bitcoin` as an upstream dependency since many of
strict-encoded formats are standardized as using *bitcoin consensus

## Contributing

Contribution guidelines can be found in [CONTRIBUTING](../

## Licensing

The libraries are distributed on the terms of Apache 2.0 opensource license.
See [LICENCE](LICENSE) file for the license details.
