pub trait StrictDecode: Sized {
    fn strict_decode<D: Read>(d: D) -> Result<Self, Error>;

    fn strict_deserialize(data: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Result<Self, Error> { ... }
    fn strict_file_load(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Self, Error> { ... }
Expand description

Binary decoding according to the strict rules that usually apply to consensus-critical data structures. May be used for network communications. MUST NOT be used for commitment verification: even if the commit procedure uses StrictEncode, the actual commit verification MUST be done with CommitVerify, TryCommitVerify and EmbedCommitVerify traits, which, instead of deserializing (nonce operation for commitments) repeat the commitment procedure for the revealed message and verify it against the provided commitment.

Required Methods

Decode with the given std::io::Read instance; must either construct an instance or return implementation-specific error type.

Provided Methods

Tries to deserialize byte array into the current type using StrictDecode::strict_decode. If there are some data remains in the buffer once deserialization is completed, fails with Error::DataNotEntirelyConsumed. Use io::Cursor over the buffer and StrictDecode::strict_decode to avoid such failures.

Reads data from file at path and reconstructs object from it. Fails with Error::DataNotEntirelyConsumed if file contains remaining data after the object reconstruction.

Implementations on Foreign Types

In terms of strict decoding, ranges are represented as a tuples of two values: start and end.

In terms of strict decoding, inclusive ranges are represented as a tuples of two values: start and end.

In terms of strict decoding, partial ranges are represented as a single value.

In terms of strict decoding, partial ranges are represented as a single value.

In terms of strict decoding, partial ranges are represented as a single value.

In terms of strict encoding, Option (optional values) are
represented by a significator byte, which MUST be either 0 (for no value present) or 1, followed by the value strict encoding. For decoding an attempt to read Option from a encoded non-0 or non-1 length Vec will result in Error::WrongOptionalEncoding.

In terms of strict encoding, Vec is stored in form of usize-encoded length (see StrictEncode implementation for usize type for encoding platform-independent constant-length encoding rules) followed by a consequently-encoded vec items, according to their type.

An attempt to encode Vec with more items than can fit in usize encoding rules will result in Error::ExceedMaxItems.

Strict decoding of a unique value collection represented by a rust HashSet type is performed alike Vec decoding with the only exception: if the repeated value met a Error::RepeatedValue is returned.

Strict decoding of a unique value collection represented by a rust BTreeSet type is performed alike Vec decoding with the only exception: if the repeated value met a Error::RepeatedValue is returned.

LNP/BP library uses HashMap<usize, T: StrictEncode>s to encode ordered lists, where the position of the list item must be fixed, since the item is referenced from elsewhere by its index. Thus, the library does not supports and recommends not to support strict encoding of any other HashMap variants.

Strict encoding of the HashMap<usize, T> type is performed by converting into a fixed-order Vec<T> and serializing it according to the Vec strict encoding rules. This operation is internally performed via conversion into BTreeMap<usize, T: StrictEncode>.

LNP/BP library uses BTreeMap<usize, T: StrictEncode>s to encode ordered lists, where the position of the list item must be fixed, since the item is referenced from elsewhere by its index. Thus, the library does not supports and recommends not to support strict encoding of any other BTreeMap variants.

Strict encoding of the BTreeMap<usize, T> type is performed by converting into a fixed-order Vec<T> and serializing it according to the Vec strict encoding rules.

Two-component tuples are decoded as they were fields in the parent data structure
