strict-yaml-rust 0.1.2

A StrictYAML parser obtained by savagely chopping up the original yaml-rust crate.
A [StrictYAML]( implementation for Rust 
obtained by savagely chopping off code from [yaml-rust](

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This crate was originally started as feature-gated (`#[cfg(feature)]`) fork of the original.

Making it standalone allows to use both implementations (full _and_ strict) from the same app, with confidence that the documents 
expected to be StrictYAML compliant will _not_ be parsed as full YAML by mistake.

**Mad props** going to the original crate author, [Chen Yuheng](

## What is StrictYAML?

StrictYAML is a subset of the YAML format, removing troublesome parts of the specification:

 - No typing. StrictYAML only knows Strings, Arrays and Dicts (Maps)  
 - No duplicate keys
 - No tags
 - No anchors or refs
 - No "flow" style (embedded JSON)
In short, keeping only the parts of YAML that we all know and love.

For more details, see the original documentation and implementation:

## Caveats

Missing from this implementation is a 
[programmatic schema](, 
which would enable document validation and typed value parsing. 
Seems that you'll still have to parse integers and dates from strings, 
or [send a PR](!

## Quick Start

Add the following to the Cargo.toml of your project:

strict-yaml-rust = "0.1"


git = ""

and import:

extern crate strict_yaml_rust;

Use `yaml::StrictYamlLoader` to load the YAML documents and access it
as Vec/HashMap:

extern crate strict_yaml_rust;
use strict_yaml_rust::{StrictYamlLoader, StrictYamlEmitter};

fn main() {
    let s =
    - list1
    - list2
    - 1
    - 2.0
    let docs = StrictYamlLoader::load_from_str(s).unwrap();

    // Multi document support, doc is a yaml::Yaml
    let doc = &docs[0];

    // Debug support
    println!("{:?}", doc);

    // Index access for map & array
    assert_eq!(doc["foo"][0].as_str().unwrap(), "list1");
    assert_eq!(doc["bar"][1].as_str().unwrap(), "2.0");

    // Chained key/array access is checked and won't panic,
    // return BadValue if they are not exist.

    // Dump the YAML object
    let mut out_str = String::new();
        let mut emitter = StrictYamlEmitter::new(&mut out_str);
        emitter.dump(doc).unwrap(); // dump the YAML object to a String
    println!("{}", out_str);

Note that `strict_yaml_rust::StrictYaml` implements `Index<&'a str>` AND `Index<usize>`:

* `Index<usize>` assumes the container is an Array
* `Index<&'a str>` assumes the container is a string to value Map
* otherwise, `Yaml::BadValue` is returned

## Features

* Pure Rust
* Ruby-like Array/Hash access API
* Low-level StrictYAML events emission

## Specification Compliance

This implementation aims to provide StrictYAML parser fully compatible with the StrictYAML specification. 

## License

Licensed under either of

 * Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or

at your option.

## Contribution

Fork & PR on Github.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any
additional terms or conditions.