streamson-lib 6.0.0

Library for processing large JSONs

# Streamson Lib

Rust library to handle large JSONs.

Note that it doesn't fully validates whether the input JSON is valid.
This means that invalid JSONs might pass without an error.

## Trigger strategy

It doesn't actually perform parses json into data. It just takes JSON parts and triggers handlers when a path is matched.

## Filter strategy

It actually alters the JSON. If the path is matched the matched part should be removed from output json.

## Extract strategy

Only extracts matched data, nothing else.

## Convert strategy

Alters the JSON by calling convert functions to matched parts.

## Examples
### Trigger
use streamson_lib::{strategy, GenericError, PrintLn, Simple};

let mut trigger = strategy::Trigger::new();
let handler = Arc::new(Mutex::new(PrintLn::new());
let matcher = Simple(r#"{"users"}[]"#).unwrap();
trigger.add_matcher(Box::new(matcher), &[handler]);

let mut buffer = [0; 2048];
while let Ok(size) = buffer[..]) {

### Filter
use streamson_lib::{strategy, error::GenericError, matcher::Simple};

let mut filter = strategy::Filter::new();
let matcher = Simple(r#"{"users"}[]"#).unwrap();
filter.add_matcher(Box::new(matcher), &[handler]);

let mut buffer = [0; 2048];
while let Ok(size) = buffer[..]) {
	let output_data = filter.process(&buffer[..size])?;

### Extract
use streamson_lib::{strategy, error::GenericError, matcher::Simple};

let mut extract = strategy::Extract::new();
let matcher = Simple(r#"{"users"}[]"#).unwrap();
extract.add_matcher(Box::new(matcher), &[handler]);

let mut buffer = [0; 2048];
while let Ok(size) = buffer[..]) {
	let output_data = extract.process(&buffer[..size])?;

### Convert
use streamson_lib::{strategy, matcher, handler};

let mut convert = strategy::Convert::new();
let matcher = matcher::Simple::new(r#"{"list"}[]"#).unwrap();

	Box::new(|_, _| vec![b'"', b'.', b'.', b'.', b'"'])

let mut buffer = [0; 2048];
while let Ok(size) = buffer[..]) {
	let output_data = extract.process(&buffer[..size])?;

## Traits
### Custom Handlers
You can define your custom handler.
use streamson_lib::handler;


struct CustomHandler;

impl handler::Handler for CustomHandler {


### Custom Matchers
You can define custom matchers as well.
use streamson_lib::matcher;

struct CustomMatcher;

impl matcher::MatchMaker for CustomMatcher {