streaming-decompression 0.1.0

Fallible streaming iterator specialized for compression and decompression

This crate contains a [FallibleStreamingIterator] optimized for decompressions.

A typical problem that libraries working with compressed formats face is that they need to preserve an intermediary buffer to decompress multiple items. Specifically, implementations that use

fn decompress(compressed: Vec<u8>) -> Vec<u8> {

are ineficient because they will need to allocate a new Vec<u8> for every decompression, and this allocation scales with the average decompressed size the items.

The typical solution for this problem is to offer

fn decompress(compressed: Vec<u8>, decompressed: &mut Vec<u8>) {
    unimplemented!("Decompress into `decompressed`, maybe re-allocing it.")

Such API avoids one allocation per item, but requires the user to deal with preserving decompressed between iterations. Such pattern is not possible to achieve with [Iterator] API atm.

This crate offers [Decompressor], a [FallibleStreamingIterator] that consumes an [Iterator] of compressed items that yields uncompressed items, maintaining an internal [Vec<u8>] that is automatically re-used across items.


use streaming_codec::{Decompressor, Compressed, Decompressed, FallibleStreamingIterator};

// An item that is decompressable
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct CompressedItem {
    pub metadata: String,
    pub data: Vec<u8>,
impl Compressed for CompressedItem {
    fn is_compressed(&self) -> bool {
        // whether it is decompressed or not depends on some metadata.
        self.metadata == "is_compressed"

// A decompressed item
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct DecompressedItem {
    pub metadata: String,
    pub data: Vec<u8>,

impl Decompressed for DecompressedItem {
    fn buffer_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<u8> {

// the decompression function. This could call LZ4, Snappy, etc.
fn decompress(
    mut i: CompressedItem,
    buffer: &mut Vec<u8>,
) -> Result<DecompressedItem, std::convert::Infallible> {
    if i.is_compressed() {
        // the actual decompression, here identity, but more complex stuff can happen.
    } else {
        std::mem::swap(&mut, buffer);
    Ok(DecompressedItem {
        metadata: i.metadata,
        data: std::mem::take(buffer),

fn main() -> Result<(), std::convert::Infallible> {
   // consider some compressed items
   let item1 = CompressedItem {
       metadata: "is_compressed".to_string(),
       data: vec![1, 2, 3],
   let item2 = CompressedItem {
       metadata: "is_compressed".to_string(),
       data: vec![4, 5, 6],
   let iter = vec![Ok(item1), Ok(item2)].into_iter();

   let buffer = vec![0; 4];  // the internal buffer: it could contain anything.
   let mut decompressor = Decompressor::new(iter, buffer, decompress);

   let item =;
   // the item was decompressed
   assert_eq!(, vec![3, 2, 1]);
   assert_eq!(item.metadata, "is_compressed".to_string());

   let item =;
   // the item was decompressed
   assert_eq!(, vec![6, 5, 4]);
   assert_eq!(item.metadata, "is_compressed".to_string());

   assert_eq!(, None);

   // we can re-use the internal buffer if we wish to
   let internal = decompressor.into_inner();
   assert_eq!(internal, vec![6, 5, 4]);


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