stream_throttle 0.4.0

Provides a Stream combinator, to limit the rate at which items are produced.
# stream_throttle
Provides a 
combinator, to limit the rate at which items are produced.

[![API Documentation](](

## Key Features
- Throttling is implemented via
and not via any sort of buffering.
- The throttling behaviour can be applied to both `Stream`'s and `Future`'s.
- Multiple streams/futures can be throttled together as a group.
- Feature flags to use various timer implementations.

## Feature Flags
- `timer-tokio`: Uses the `tokio::time::delay_for()` timer.
- `timer-futures-timer`: Uses the `futures_timer::Delay` timer.

If you don't use the default timer (`tokio`), make sure to set `default-features = false`
in your `Cargo.toml`, when you add `stream_throttle` as a dependency.

## Example throttling of `Stream`
// allow no more than 5 items every 1 second
let rate = ThrottleRate::new(5, Duration::new(1, 0));
let pool = ThrottlePool::new(rate);

let work = stream::repeat(())
  .then(|_| futures::future::ready("do something else"))
  .for_each(|_| futures::future::ready(()));

## Example throttling of `Future`
let rate = ThrottleRate::new(5, Duration::new(1, 0));
let pool = ThrottlePool::new(rate);

let work = pool.queue()
  .then(|_| futures::future::ready("do something else"));