stream_lib 0.3.0

Tool to download differnt types of streams
use std::{
    collections::{HashSet, VecDeque},
    io::{copy, BufWriter, Write},
    time::{self, Duration},

#[cfg(feature = "spinner")]
use indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle};

use reqwest::{Client as ReqwestClient, Request, Url};

use hls_m3u8::{MasterPlaylist, MediaPlaylistOptions};

use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock};

use crate::error::Error;

/// Write buffer
const WRITE_SIZE: usize = 131_072;

/// HLS will try and look for new segments 12 times,
const HLS_MAX_RETRIES: usize = 12;

/// A Enum with the types of streams supported
pub enum StreamType {
    /// A stream that is just a chunked http response.
    /// A m3u8 playlist, which may be a stream.
    /// A m3u8 master playlist and a string which is the name of the stream to download.
    NamedPlaylist(Request, String),

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum _StreamType {

pub struct Stream {
    request: Request,
    stream_type: _StreamType,
    spinner: bool,

enum HlsQueue {

impl Stream {
    /// Creates a new stream handler.
    pub fn new(request: StreamType) -> Self {
        match request {
            StreamType::HLS(req) => Stream {
                request: req,
                stream_type: _StreamType::HLS,
                spinner: true,
            StreamType::Chuncked(req) => Stream {
                request: req,
                stream_type: _StreamType::Chuncked,
                spinner: true,
            StreamType::NamedPlaylist(req, name) => Stream {
                request: req,
                stream_type: _StreamType::NamedPlaylist(name),
                spinner: true,
    /// Writes the stream to a writer.
    pub fn write_file<W>(self, client: &ReqwestClient, writer: W) -> Result<u64, Error>
        W: Write,
        match self.stream_type {
            _StreamType::Chuncked => Ok(self.chunked(client, writer)?),
            _StreamType::HLS => Ok(self.hls(client, writer)?),
            _StreamType::NamedPlaylist(ref name) => {
                let name = name.to_owned();
                Ok(self.named_playlist(client, writer, name)?)

    fn chunked<W>(self, client: &ReqwestClient, writer: W) -> Result<u64, Error>
        W: Write,
        #[cfg(feature = "spinner")]
        let spinner = ProgressBar::new(0);
        #[cfg(feature = "spinner")]
                .template("{} [{elapsed_precise}] Streamed {bytes}")
                    "⠁⠁⠉⠙⠚⠒⠂⠂⠒⠲⠴⠤⠄⠄⠤⠠⠠⠤⠦⠖⠒⠐⠐⠒⠓⠋⠉⠈⠈ ",

        let mut buf_writer = BufWriter::with_capacity(WRITE_SIZE, writer);
        #[cfg(feature = "spinner")]
        let source = client.execute(self.request)?;
        #[cfg(not(feature = "spinner"))]
        let mut source = client.execute(self.request)?;
        #[cfg(feature = "spinner")]
        let size = copy(&mut spinner.wrap_read(source), &mut buf_writer);
        #[cfg(not(feature = "spinner"))]
        let size = copy(&mut source, &mut buf_writer);

    // This currently clones the client to get a client to run the inner calls as well.
    fn hls<W>(self, client: &ReqwestClient, writer: W) -> Result<u64, Error>
        W: Write,
        let to_work = Arc::new(Mutex::new(VecDeque::<HlsQueue>::new())); // User in Inner
        let other_work = to_work.clone(); // Used in Outer
        let links: Arc<RwLock<HashSet<String>>> = Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashSet::new())); // Used in Inner
        let _outer_links = links.clone(); // Used in Outer (Not currently in use)
        let headers = self.request.headers().clone();

        // Inner loop -- Start
        // Here the handling of the m3u8 file is happening
        // it pushes it through the `to_work` mutex

        // Only used if the body of the request is not able to be cloned.
        let inner_url = self.request.url().clone();
        let inner_headers = self.request.headers().clone();

        let master_url = self.request.url().clone().join(".")?;
        let inner_client = client.to_owned();
        thread::spawn(move || {
            let mut counter = 0;

            loop {
                if counter > HLS_MAX_RETRIES {
                    // There have either been errors or no new segments
                    // for `HLS_MAX_RETRIES` times the segment duration given
                    // in the m3u8 playlist file.
                    let work_queue = &mut to_work.lock();

                // Use the same headers as the original request
                let req = match self.request.try_clone() {
                    Some(r) => r,
                    // If the body is not able to be cloned it will only clone the headers.
                    None => {
                        warn!("[HLS] body not able to be cloned only clones headers.");
                        match inner_client
                            Ok(br) => br,
                            Err(e) => {
                                warn!("[HLS] Request creation failed!\n{}", e);
                                counter += 1;

                let mut res = match inner_client.execute(req) {
                    Ok(r) => r,
                    Err(e) => {
                        warn!("[HLS] Playlist download failed!\n{}", e);
                        counter += 1;

                let m3u8_string = match res.text() {
                    Ok(t) => t,
                    Err(e) => {
                        warn!("[HLS] Playlist text failed!\n{}", e);
                        counter += 1;

                // Allow excess segment duration because a lot of video sites have
                // not very high quality m3u8 playlists, where the video segments,
                // may be longer than what the file specifies as max.
                let m3u8 = match MediaPlaylistOptions::new()
                    Ok(p) => p,
                    Err(e) => {
                        warn!("[HLS] Parsing failed!\n{}", e);
                        trace!("[HLS]\n{}", &m3u8_string);
                        counter += 1;

                // Get the target duration of a segment
                let target_duration = m3u8.target_duration_tag().duration();

                // Makes a iterator with the url parts from the playlist
                let m3u8_iterator = m3u8.segments().iter().map(|e| String::from(e.uri().trim()));

                for e in m3u8_iterator {
                    trace!("[HLS] Tries to inserts: {}", e);
                    // Check if we have the segment in our set already
                    if links.write().insert(e.clone()) {
                        // Reset the counter as we got a new segment.
                        counter = 0;

                        // Construct a url from the master and the segment.
                        let url_formatted = if let Ok(u) = Url::parse(&e) {
                        } else {
                            Url::parse(&format!("{}{}", master_url.as_str(), &e))
                                .expect("The m3u8 does not currently work with stream_lib, please report the issue on the github repo, with an example of the playlistfile.")
                        let work_queue = &mut to_work.lock();

                        // Check if the segment is a Afreeca preloading segment.
                        if !(e.contains("preloading")) {
                            info!("[HLS] Adds {}!", url_formatted);
                            // Add the segment to the queue.
                warn!("[HLS] Sleeps for {:#?}", target_duration);
                // Sleeps for the target duration.
                counter += 1;

        let mut total_size = 0;

        #[cfg(feature = "spinner")]
        let spinner = ProgressBar::new(0);
        #[cfg(feature = "spinner")]
                .template("{} [{elapsed_precise}] {bytes} Segments")
                    "⠁⠁⠉⠙⠚⠒⠂⠂⠒⠲⠴⠤⠄⠄⠤⠠⠠⠤⠦⠖⠒⠐⠐⠒⠓⠋⠉⠈⠈ ",
        #[cfg(feature = "spinner")]

        let mut buf_writer = BufWriter::with_capacity(WRITE_SIZE, writer);

        loop {
            let to_download = other_work.lock().pop_front();
            match to_download {
                Some(HlsQueue::Url(u)) => {
                    let req = client.get(u).headers(headers.clone()).build()?;
                    let size = download_to_file(client, req, &mut buf_writer)?;
                    #[cfg(feature = "spinner")]
                    total_size += size;
                Some(HlsQueue::StreamOver) => break,
                None => {
                    trace!("[HLS] None to download!");

    // This currently clones the client to get a client to run the inner calls as well.
    fn named_playlist<W>(
        client: &ReqwestClient,
        writer: W,
        name: String,
    ) -> Result<u64, Error>
        W: Write,
        let to_work = Arc::new(Mutex::new(VecDeque::<HlsQueue>::new())); // User in Inner
        let other_work = to_work.clone(); // Used in Outer
        let links: Arc<RwLock<HashSet<String>>> = Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashSet::new())); // Used in Inner
        let _outer_links = links.clone(); // Used in Outer (Not currently in use)
        let headers = self.request.headers().clone();

        // Inner loop -- Start
        // Here the handling of the m3u8 file is happening
        // it pushes it through the `to_work` mutex

        // Only used if the body of the request is not able to be cloned.
        let inner_url = self.request.url().clone();
        let inner_headers = self.request.headers().clone();

        let inner_client = client.to_owned();
        thread::spawn(move || {
            let mut counter = 0;

            loop {
                if counter > HLS_MAX_RETRIES {
                    // There have either been errors or no new segments
                    // for `HLS_MAX_RETRIES` times the segment duration given
                    // in the m3u8 playlist file.
                    let work_queue = &mut to_work.lock();

                // Use the same headers as the original request
                let req = match self.request.try_clone() {
                    Some(r) => r,
                    // If the body is not able to be cloned it will only clone the headers.
                    None => {
                        warn!("[HLS] body not able to be cloned only clones headers.");
                        match inner_client
                            Ok(br) => br,
                            Err(e) => {
                                warn!("[HLS] Request creation failed!\n{}", e);
                                counter += 1;

                let mut master_res = match inner_client.execute(req) {
                    Ok(r) => r,
                    Err(e) => {
                        warn!("[HLS] Playlist download failed!\n{}", e);
                        counter += 1;

                let master_string = match master_res.text() {
                    Ok(t) => t,
                    Err(e) => {
                        warn!("[HLS] Playlist text failed!\n{}", e);
                        counter += 1;

                let master_playlist = master_string.parse::<MasterPlaylist>().unwrap();

                let segment_pos = master_playlist
                    .position(|e| == name)

                let master_iter: Vec<String> = master_playlist
                    .map(|e| e.uri())
                    .map(|e| String::from(e.trim()))

                let segment = master_iter[segment_pos].clone();
                let master_url = (&segment)

                let mp_hls = match inner_client
                    Ok(p) => p,
                    Err(e) => {
                        warn!("[HLS] URI!\n{}", e);
                        trace!("[HLS]\n{}", segment);
                        counter += 1;

                let mut res = match inner_client.execute(mp_hls) {
                    Ok(r) => r,
                    Err(e) => {
                        warn!("[HLS] Playlist download failed!\n{}", e);
                        counter += 1;

                let m3u8_string = match res.text() {
                    Ok(t) => t,
                    Err(e) => {
                        warn!("[HLS] Playlist text failed!\n{}", e);
                        counter += 1;

                // Allow excess segment duration because a lot of video sites have
                // not very high quality m3u8 playlists, where the video segments,
                // may be longer than what the file specifies as max.
                let m3u8 = match MediaPlaylistOptions::new()
                    Ok(p) => p,
                    Err(e) => {
                        warn!("[HLS] Parsing failed!\n{}", e);
                        trace!("[HLS]\n{}", &m3u8_string);
                        counter += 1;

                // Get the target duration of a segment
                let target_duration = m3u8.target_duration_tag().duration();

                // Makes a iterator with the url parts from the playlist
                let m3u8_iterator = m3u8.segments().iter().map(|e| String::from(e.uri().trim()));

                for e in m3u8_iterator {
                    trace!("[HLS] Tries to inserts: {}", e);
                    // Check if we have the segment in our set already
                    if links.write().insert(e.clone()) {
                        // Reset the counter as we got a new segment.
                        counter = 0;

                        // Construct a url from the master and the segment.
                        let url_formatted = if let Ok(u) = Url::parse(&e) {
                        } else {
                            Url::parse(&format!("{}{}", master_url.as_str(), &e))
                                .expect("The m3u8 does not currently work with stream_lib, please report the issue on the github repo, with an example of the playlistfile.")
                        let work_queue = &mut to_work.lock();

                        // Check if the segment is a Afreeca preloading segment.
                        if !(e.contains("preloading")) {
                            info!("[HLS] Adds {}!", url_formatted);
                            // Add the segment to the queue.
                    warn!("[HLS] Sleeps for {:?}", target_duration);
                    // Sleeps for the target duration.
                    counter += 1;

        let mut total_size = 0;

        #[cfg(feature = "spinner")]
        let spinner = ProgressBar::new(0);
        #[cfg(feature = "spinner")]
                .template("{} [{elapsed_precise}] {bytes} Segments")
                    "⠁⠁⠉⠙⠚⠒⠂⠂⠒⠲⠴⠤⠄⠄⠤⠠⠠⠤⠦⠖⠒⠐⠐⠒⠓⠋⠉⠈⠈ ",
        #[cfg(feature = "spinner")]

        let mut buf_writer = BufWriter::with_capacity(WRITE_SIZE, writer);

        loop {
            let to_download = other_work.lock().pop_front();
            match to_download {
                Some(HlsQueue::Url(u)) => {
                    info!("[MASTER] Downloads: {}", u);
                    let req = client.get(u).headers(headers.clone()).build()?;
                    let size = download_to_file(client, req, &mut buf_writer)?;
                    #[cfg(feature = "spinner")]
                    total_size += size;
                Some(HlsQueue::StreamOver) => break,
                None => {
                    trace!("[HLS] None to download!");

fn download_to_file<W>(
    client: &ReqwestClient,
    request: Request,
    mut file: &mut BufWriter<W>,
) -> Result<u64, Error>
    W: Write,
    let mut source = client.execute(request)?;
    let size = copy(&mut source, &mut file)?;
    info!("[MASTER] Downloaded: {}", size);