Crate stream_reconnect[][src]

Expand description

Contains the ingredients needed to create wrappers over Stream/Sink items to automatically reconnect upon failures. This is done so that a user can use them without worrying that their application logic will terminate simply due to an event like a temporary network failure.

To wrap existing streams, you simply need to implement the UnderlyingStream trait. Once implemented, you can construct it easily by creating a ReconnectStream type as seen below.

This crate supports both tokio and async-std runtime.

This crate is a fork of stubborn-io.

Minimum supported rust version: 1.43.1

Runtime Support

This crate supports both tokio and async-std runtime.

tokio support is enabled by default. While used on an async-std runtime, change the corresponding dependency in Cargo.toml to

stream-reconnect = { version = "0.3", default-features = false, features = ["async-std"] }

Feature Gates

not-send - allow the establish function to be non thread-safe.

Motivations (preserved from stubborn-io)

This crate was created because I was working on a service that needed to fetch data from a remote server via a tokio TcpConnection. It normally worked perfectly (as does all of my code ☺), but every time the remote server had a restart or turnaround, my application logic would stop working. stubborn-io was born because I did not want to complicate my service’s logic with TcpStream reconnect and disconnect handling code. With stubborn-io, I can keep the service exactly the same, knowing that the StubbornTcpStream’s sensible defaults will perform reconnects in a way to keep my service running. Once I realized that the implementation could apply to all IO items and not just TcpStream, I made it customizable as seen below.

Example on how a ReconnectStream item might be created

use stream_reconnect::{UnderlyingStream, ReconnectStream};
use std::future::Future;
use std::io;
use std::pin::Pin;
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use tokio_tungstenite::{connect_async, MaybeTlsStream, WebSocketStream};
use tokio_tungstenite::tungstenite::{Message, error::Error as WsError};
use futures::{SinkExt, Stream, Sink};
use std::task::{Context, Poll};

struct MyWs;

impl UnderlyingStream<String, Result<Message, WsError>, WsError> for MyWs {
    type Stream = WebSocketStream<MaybeTlsStream<TcpStream>>;

    // Establishes connection.
    // Additionally, this will be used when reconnect tries are attempted.
    fn establish(addr: String) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Stream, WsError>> + Send>> {
        Box::pin(async move {
            // In this case, we are trying to connect to the WebSocket endpoint
            let ws_connection = connect_async(addr).await.unwrap().0;

    // The following errors are considered disconnect errors.
    fn is_write_disconnect_error(err: &WsError) -> bool {
                    | WsError::AlreadyClosed
                    | WsError::Io(_)
                    | WsError::Tls(_)
                    | WsError::Protocol(_)

    // If an `Err` is read, then there might be an disconnection.
    fn is_read_disconnect_error(item: &Result<Message, WsError>) -> bool {
        if let Err(e) = item {
        } else {

    // Return "Exhausted" if all retry attempts are failed.
    fn exhaust_err() -> WsError {
        WsError::Io(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Exhausted"))

type ReconnectWs = ReconnectStream<MyWs, String, Result<Message, WsError>, WsError>;

let mut ws_stream: ReconnectWs = ReconnectWs::connect(String::from("wss://localhost:8000")).await.unwrap();
ws_stream.send(Message::text(String::from("hello world!"))).await.unwrap();


Provides options to configure the behavior of reconnect-stream items, specifically related to reconnect behavior.


User specified options that control the behavior of the ReconnectStream upon disconnect.

The ReconnectStream is a wrapper over a [Stream]/[Sink] item that will automatically invoke the UnderlyingStream::establish upon initialization and when a reconnect is needed. Because it implements deref, you are able to invoke all of the original methods on the wrapped stream.


Trait that should be implemented for an [Stream] and/or [Sink] item to enable it to work with the ReconnectStream struct.