strava 0.0.1

Strava API v3 Client failed to build strava-0.0.1
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Visit the last successful build: strava-0.2.0


Strava API client written in rust


This library is highly incomplete. At this point in time, you are able to fetch the athlete associated with an auth token. Docs will be arriving soon.

extern crate strava;

use strava::AccessToken;
use strava::Athlete;

fn main() {
    let token = AccessToken::from("155f0d914f20507733b3d150cef6328157e9dd5a");
    let athlete = Athlete::get_current(&token).unwrap();
    println!("{:?}", athlete);


I am not in any way affiliated with Strava, Inc. I merely wish to use the Strava API from Rust.