stratisd 3.5.0

Stratis daemon
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//! Functions to gather information necessary to set up a pool from a set
//! of unlocked devices.

use std::{
    collections::{HashMap, HashSet},

use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use itertools::Itertools;

use devicemapper::Sectors;

use crate::{
            backstore::{BlockSizes, CryptHandle, StratBlockDev, UnderlyingDevice},
            liminal::device_info::{LStratisDevInfo, LStratisInfo},
            serde_structs::{BackstoreSave, BaseBlockDevSave, PoolSave},
            shared::{bds_to_bdas, tiers_to_bdas},
            types::{BDARecordResult, BDAResult},
        types::{BlockDevTier, DevUuid, DevicePath, Name},
    stratis::{StratisError, StratisResult},

/// Get the most recent metadata from a set of devices.
/// Returns None if no metadata found for this pool on any device. This can
/// happen if the pool was constructed but failed in the interval before the
/// metadata could be written.
/// Returns an error if there is a last update time, but no metadata could
/// be obtained from any of the devices.
/// Precondition: infos and bdas have identical sets of keys
pub fn get_metadata(
    infos: HashMap<DevUuid, &LStratisInfo>,
) -> StratisResult<Option<(DateTime<Utc>, PoolSave)>> {
    // Try to read from all available devnodes that could contain most
    // recent metadata. In the event of errors, continue to try until all are
    // exhausted.
    let (_, time, info) = match infos
        .filter_map(|(dev_uuid, info)| {
                .map(|time| (dev_uuid, *time, info))
        .max_by(|(_, time1, _), (_, time2, _)| time1.cmp(time2))
        Some(tup) => tup,
        None => return Ok(None),

        .and_then(|mut f| info.bda.load_state(&mut f).unwrap_or(None))
        .and_then(|data| serde_json::from_slice(&data).ok())
        .map(|psave| Some((time, psave)))
        .ok_or_else(|| {
                "timestamp indicates data was written, but no data successfully read".to_string(),

/// Get the name from the most recent metadata from a set of devices.
/// Returns None if no metadata found for this pool on any device. This can
/// happen if the pool was constructed but failed in the interval before the
/// metadata could be written.
/// Returns an error if devices provided don't match the devices recorded in the
/// metadata.
/// Precondition: infos and bdas have identical sets of keys
pub fn get_name(infos: HashMap<DevUuid, &LStratisInfo>) -> StratisResult<Option<Name>> {
    let found_uuids = infos.keys().copied().collect::<HashSet<_>>();
    match get_metadata(infos)? {
        Some((_, pool)) => {
            let v = vec![];
            let meta_uuids = pool
                .map(|bd| bd.uuid)
                        .map(|ct| ct.blockdev.devs.iter())
                        .unwrap_or_else(|| v.iter())
                        .map(|bd| bd.uuid),

            if found_uuids != meta_uuids {
                return Err(StratisError::Msg(format!(
                    "UUIDs in metadata ({}) did not match UUIDs found ({})",
                        meta_uuids.into_iter().map(|u| u.to_string()),
                        ", ".to_string(),
                        found_uuids.into_iter().map(|u| u.to_string()),
                        ", ".to_string(),

        None => Ok(None),

/// Get all the blockdevs corresponding to this pool that can be obtained from
/// the given devices. Sort the blockdevs in the order in which they were
/// recorded in the metadata.
/// Returns an error if the blockdevs obtained do not match the metadata.
/// Returns a tuple, of which the first are the data devs, and the second
/// are the devs that support the cache tier.
/// Precondition: Every device in infos has already been determined to
/// belong to one pool; all BDAs agree on their pool UUID, set of keys in
/// infos and bdas are identical.
pub fn get_blockdevs(
    backstore_save: &BackstoreSave,
    infos: &HashMap<DevUuid, LStratisDevInfo>,
    mut bdas: HashMap<DevUuid, BDA>,
) -> BDARecordResult<(Vec<StratBlockDev>, Vec<StratBlockDev>)> {
    let recorded_data_map: HashMap<DevUuid, (usize, &BaseBlockDevSave)> = backstore_save
        .map(|(i, bds)| (bds.uuid, (i, bds)))

    let recorded_cache_map: HashMap<DevUuid, (usize, &BaseBlockDevSave)> =
        match backstore_save.cache_tier {
            Some(ref cache_tier) => cache_tier
                .map(|(i, bds)| (bds.uuid, (i, bds)))
            None => HashMap::new(),

    let mut segment_table: HashMap<DevUuid, Vec<(Sectors, Sectors)>> = HashMap::new();
    for seg in &backstore_save.data_tier.blockdev.allocs[0] {
            .push((seg.start, seg.length))

    if let Some(ref cache_tier) = backstore_save.cache_tier {
        for seg in cache_tier.blockdev.allocs.iter().flat_map(|i| i.iter()) {
                .push((seg.start, seg.length))

    // Construct a single StratBlockDev. Return the tier to which the
    // blockdev has been found to belong. Returns an error if the block
    // device has shrunk, no metadata can be found for the block device,
    // or it is impossible to set up the device because the recorded
    // allocation information is impossible.
    fn get_blockdev(
        info: &LStratisDevInfo,
        bda: BDA,
        data_map: &HashMap<DevUuid, (usize, &BaseBlockDevSave)>,
        cache_map: &HashMap<DevUuid, (usize, &BaseBlockDevSave)>,
        segment_table: &HashMap<DevUuid, Vec<(Sectors, Sectors)>>,
    ) -> BDAResult<(BlockDevTier, StratBlockDev)> {
        let (actual_size, blksizes) = match OpenOptions::new()
            .and_then(|f| blkdev_size(&f).and_then(|bs| BlockSizes::read(&f).map(|v| (bs, v))))
            Ok(vals) => vals,
            Err(err) => return Err((err, bda)),

        // Return an error if apparent size of Stratis block device appears to
        // have decreased since metadata was recorded or if size of block
        // device could not be obtained.
        let actual_size_sectors = actual_size.sectors();
        let recorded_size = bda.dev_size().sectors();
        if actual_size_sectors < recorded_size {
            let err_msg = format!(
                "Stratis device with {}, {} had recorded size {}, but actual size is less at {}",
            return Err((StratisError::Msg(err_msg), bda));

        let dev_uuid = bda.dev_uuid();

        // Locate the device in the metadata using its uuid. Return the device
        // metadata and whether it was a cache or a datadev.
        let (tier, &(_, bd_save)) = match data_map
            .map(|bd_save| (BlockDevTier::Data, bd_save))
            .or_else(|| {
                    .map(|bd_save| (BlockDevTier::Cache, bd_save))
            }) {
            Some(s) => s,
            None => {
                let err_msg = format!(
                    "Stratis device with {}, {} had no record in pool metadata",
                return Err((StratisError::Msg(err_msg), bda));

        // This should always succeed since the actual size is at
        // least the recorded size, so all segments should be
        // available to be allocated. If this fails, the most likely
        // conclusion is metadata corruption.
        let segments = segment_table.get(&dev_uuid);

        let physical_path = match &info.luks {
            Some(luks) => &luks.dev_info.devnode,
            None => &info.dev_info.devnode,
        let handle = match CryptHandle::setup(physical_path) {
            Ok(h) => h,
            Err(e) => return Err((e, bda)),
        let underlying_device = match handle {
            Some(handle) => UnderlyingDevice::Encrypted(handle),
            None => UnderlyingDevice::Unencrypted(match DevicePath::new(physical_path) {
                Ok(d) => d,
                Err(e) => return Err((e, bda)),

    let (mut datadevs, mut cachedevs): (Vec<StratBlockDev>, Vec<StratBlockDev>) = (vec![], vec![]);
    let dev_uuids = infos.keys().collect::<HashSet<_>>();
    for dev_uuid in dev_uuids {
        match get_blockdev(
            infos.get(dev_uuid).expect("bdas.keys() == infos.keys()"),
            bdas.remove(dev_uuid).expect("bdas.keys() == infos.keys()"),
        ) {
            Ok((tier, blockdev)) => match tier {
                BlockDevTier::Data => &mut datadevs,
                BlockDevTier::Cache => &mut cachedevs,
            Err((e, bda)) => return Err((e, tiers_to_bdas(datadevs, cachedevs, Some(bda)))),

    // Verify that devices located are consistent with the metadata recorded
    // and generally consistent with expectations. If all seems correct,
    // sort the devices according to their order in the metadata.
    fn check_and_sort_devs(
        mut devs: Vec<StratBlockDev>,
        dev_map: &HashMap<DevUuid, (usize, &BaseBlockDevSave)>,
    ) -> BDARecordResult<Vec<StratBlockDev>> {
        let mut uuids = HashSet::new();
        let mut duplicate_uuids = Vec::new();
        for dev in &devs {
            let dev_uuid = dev.uuid();
            if !uuids.insert(dev_uuid) {

        if !duplicate_uuids.is_empty() {
            let err_msg = format!(
                "The following list of Stratis UUIDs were each claimed by more than one Stratis device: {}",
                duplicate_uuids.iter().map(|u| u.to_string()).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(", ")
            return Err((StratisError::Msg(err_msg), bds_to_bdas(devs)));

        let recorded_uuids: HashSet<_> = dev_map.keys().cloned().collect();
        if uuids != recorded_uuids {
            let err_msg = format!(
                "UUIDs of devices found ({}) did not correspond with UUIDs specified in the metadata for this group of devices ({})",
                uuids.iter().map(|u| u.to_string()).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(", "),
                recorded_uuids.iter().map(|u| u.to_string()).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(", "),
            return Err((StratisError::Msg(err_msg), bds_to_bdas(devs)));

        // Sort the devices according to their original location in the
        // metadata. Use a faster unstable sort, because the order of
        // devs before the sort is arbitrary and does not need to be
        // preserved.
        devs.sort_unstable_by_key(|dev| dev_map[&dev.uuid()].0);

    let datadevs = match check_and_sort_devs(datadevs, &recorded_data_map) {
        Ok(dd) => dd,
        Err((err, mut bdas)) => {
            return Err((
                    "Data devices did not appear consistent with metadata: {}",

    let cachedevs = match check_and_sort_devs(cachedevs, &recorded_cache_map) {
        Ok(cd) => cd,
        Err((err, mut bdas)) => {
            return Err((
                    "Cache devices did not appear consistent with metadata: {}",

    Ok((datadevs, cachedevs))