str-macro 1.0.0

The str!() macro, similar to vec![] but for strings
## str-macro

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Rust crate for the `str!()` macro, which makes the conveniences available from `vec![]` available for `String` as well.

Has no dependencies, and should work on any Rust release channel.

* Create an empty `String`

// Vec equivalent
let v = vec![];
assert_eq!(v, Vec::new());

// String
let s = str!();
assert_eq!(s, String::new());

* Create an owned `String` from a constant str reference.

// Vec equivalent
let v = vec!["alpha", "beta", "gamma"];
assert_eq!(&v, &["alpha", "beta", "gamma"];
assert_eq!(v.len(), 3);

// String
let s = str!("alpha beta gamma");
assert_eq!(&s, "alpha beta gamma");
let _: String = s;

* Create an owned `String` from an object which implements `ToString`.

Note that this is automatically implemented for anything that implements `Display`.

let s = str!(2194);
assert_eq!(&s, "2194");

let s = str!(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1));
assert_eq!(&s, "");


Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Ammon Smith

Available under the MIT License.