stpl 0.5.0

Super templates (html, etc.) with Plain-Rust, no textfiles
<!-- is auto-generated from README.tpl with `cargo readme` -->

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# stpl

### stpl - Super template library for Rust

`stpl` is a plain-Rust-only template library with some neat properties and

### Main idea

In `stpl` there are no magic macros or DSLs, and no clunky
text-files with weird syntax. Everything is just normal, easy
to understand Rust code.

Let's take a look at a real-life example from the pilot project: an HTML
base-skeleton template for a Bootstrap-based UI.

pub fn base<C: Render + 'static>(data: &Data, content: C) -> impl Render {
      "viewport").content("width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"),
      "author").content("Dawid Ciężarkiewicz"),
                    .class("container mb-5")(

It is just a function. There is no magic, no macros, no textfiles involved.
The whole template was formatted with `rustfmt` just like a normal Rust code.

The function accepts arguments:

* `data: Data` containing information how to "fill the blanks", and
* `content: Render` - sub-template value that will be used as main page content.

The function returns `Render` value that can be rendered as a string or bytes, or
composed with other templates. The value is basically a one big tuple
nesting many other `Render` values. `Render` is implemented for many standard types,
can be implemented for new types or can be generated using functions/closures.

Users are free to use any Rust language primitives to generate their
templates and structure relationship between them in any way that
suits them.

### Dynamic rendering

While `stpl` generates Rust code and does not invole "runtime parsing",
it supports doing the actual rendering in a
separate process, thus hot-swapping the templates at runtime. This is very
useful for speeding up development.

The basic mechanism is:

* serialize the template data, and send it to a child process
* read the rendered template back from the child

In the child process:

* identify the template to use,
* read the serialized data from the stdio and deserialize it
* render the template and output it to stdout

In this scheme the binary for parent and child processes can be the same
(see `render_dynamic_self`) or different (see `render_dynamic).

Using the same binary is more convenient. Using separate binaries
requires structuring the project in a certain way, but can greatly
improve iteration time.

The following is an exerpt from `Cargo.toml` to support dynamic
rendering in a separate binary:


name = "template"
path = "src/"

name = "webapp"
path = "src/"

These two programs share many modules (eg. templates and data structures),
but `main_template` does not have to include any heavy-duty libraries like
`rocket`, `diesel` and similar, thus compiles much faster.

In our tests it takes 11.4 secs to build the main webapp in debug mode,
while recompiling all templates is much faster:

$ cargo build --bin template
Compiling webapp v0.1.0 (file:///home/dpc/lab/rust/webapp/web)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.04 secs

### Pros

* robust: template generation can reuse any existing code and data
* convenient: Rust tooling can work with plain-Rust-templates just
  like any other code; `rustfmt` takes care of formatting, typos result
  in normal error messages etc.
* fast: the compiler optimizes the template code to essential logic
  necessary to write-out the rendered template data to the IO; there
  is no parsing involved
* fast iteration: with dynamic loading it's possible to reload templates
  without waiting for Rust compiler to build the whole app

### Cons

* `nightly`-only: This library relies on some unstable features (mostly
  `impl trait`)
* immature and incomplete: This library is still work in progress, and will
  mature with time.

## Where to start

You are most probably interested in reading `html` module documentation

## Help

Please see `./playground` subdirectory for example usage.

# License

stpl is licensed under: MPL-2.0/MIT/Apache-2.0