stp258-standard 0.5.1

Provide `Stp258Standard` implementation using `pallet-balances` and `stp258-tokens`

Setheum Tokenization Protocol 258 Standard

Setheum Tokenization Protocol 258 Standard

Multi-Currency Stablecoin SERP Module


The STP258 Standard module provides a mixed stablecoin system, by configuring a native currency which implements Stp258AssetExtended, and a multi-currency which implements Stp258Currency.


The stp258 module provides implementations for following traits.

  • Stp258Currency - Abstraction over a fungible multi-currency stablecoin system.
  • Stp258CurrencyExtended - Extended Stp258Currency with additional helper types and methods, like updating balance by a given signed integer amount.


Dispatchable Functions

  • transfer - Transfer some balance to another account, in a given currency.
  • transfer_native_currency - Transfer some balance to another account, in native currency set in Config::Stp258Native.
  • update_balance - Update balance by signed integer amount, in a given currency, root origin required.