stockfish-core 0.2.0

Core types for implementing a fast chess engine
use crate::prelude::*;

/// The cardinal directions on a chessboard plus the other individual steps a
/// token is capable of taking across a chess board.
#[derive(Copy, Debug, Eq)]
#[derive_const(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Direction(i8);

impl Direction {
    // disable requiring documentation for self-documenting constants

    pub const NONE: Self = Self(0);

    pub const N: Self = Self(8);
    pub const E: Self = Self(1);
    pub const S: Self = -Self::N;
    pub const W: Self = -Self::E;

    pub const NW: Self = Self(Self::N.0 + Self::W.0);
    pub const NN: Self = Self(Self::N.0 + Self::N.0);
    pub const NE: Self = Self(Self::N.0 + Self::E.0);
    pub const EE: Self = Self(Self::E.0 + Self::E.0);
    pub const SE: Self = Self(Self::S.0 + Self::E.0);
    pub const SS: Self = Self(Self::S.0 + Self::S.0);
    pub const SW: Self = Self(Self::S.0 + Self::W.0);
    pub const WW: Self = Self(Self::W.0 + Self::W.0);

    pub const NNW: Self = Self(Self::NN.0 + Self::W.0);
    pub const NNE: Self = Self(Self::NN.0 + Self::E.0);
    pub const ENE: Self = Self(Self::EE.0 + Self::N.0);
    pub const ESE: Self = Self(Self::EE.0 + Self::S.0);
    pub const SSE: Self = Self(Self::SS.0 + Self::E.0);
    pub const SSW: Self = Self(Self::SS.0 + Self::W.0);
    pub const WSW: Self = Self(Self::WW.0 + Self::S.0);
    pub const WNW: Self = Self(Self::WW.0 + Self::N.0);

    /// The maximum distance a Direction can cover.
    pub const MAX_STEPS: u8 = 2;

impl Direction {
    /// Returns a bitboard of files that will be pushed off the board by
    /// shifting it in this direction.
    /// # Panics
    /// This function will panic in debug builds if it encounters a Direction
    /// with too large a distance. This should not be encountered in practice.
    /// TODO: statically check these assertions so this cannot possibly panic or
    /// be invalid for release builds
    pub(crate) const fn discarded_files(self) -> Bitboard {
        // Distances currently rely on the assumption that they unambiguously
        // encode a shift in some direction. However if distances get large
        // (above 3), it's no longer possible to uniquely distinguish them.
        // For example, one step NW (`Distance(8 + -1)`) is a left shift by
        // seven while masking the contents of the A file. But seven steps E
        // (`Distance(7)`) is encoded the same way, but requires a left shift by
        // seven while masking the contents of files B through H.
        debug_assert!(Direction::MAX_STEPS < 4,
            "direction assumptions are no longer sound");

        debug_assert!(self.0 & 0b111 != 0b100,
            "directional shifts must be 3 or fewer places east/west");

        // this check only works because we've capped e/w shifts to
        // 3 in the above check
        debug_assert!(self.0 <= (32 + 3) && self.0 >= (-32 - 3),
            "directional shifts must be 3 or fewer places north/south");

        match self.0 & 0b111 {
            // north/south-only shifts
            0b000 => Bitboard::EMPTY,

            // eastward (left) shifts
            0b001 => Bitboard::FILE_H,
            0b010 => Bitboard::FILE_H | Bitboard::FILE_G,
            0b011 => Bitboard::FILE_H | Bitboard::FILE_G | Bitboard::FILE_F,

            // westward (right) shifts
            0b111 => Bitboard::FILE_A,
            0b110 => Bitboard::FILE_A | Bitboard::FILE_B,
            0b101 => Bitboard::FILE_A | Bitboard::FILE_B | Bitboard::FILE_C,

            // invalid (> 3 shift); we indicate all fields will be masked to
            // avoid having a panicking branch in release builds, but this
            // should be caught by the debug assertions above
            _ => Bitboard::ALL,

    /// Returns only the east-west component of this direction.
    pub const fn lateral_part(self) -> Self {
        // TODO: there might be a faster way of doign this
        Self(self.0 - self.vertical_part().0)

    /// Returns only the north-south component of this direction.
    pub const fn vertical_part(self) -> Self {
        // Naïvely, the vertical part is the 5 most significant bits. However,
        // if the lateral part was negative, we subtracted one from this part so
        // need to add it back. We do a saturating add so a carry bit isn't
        // brought around.
        // TODO: there might be a faster way of doing this
        Self((self.0 & -8_i8).saturating_add((self.0 & 4_i8) << 1))

    /// Returns the direct opposite of this direction.
    pub const fn mirrored(self) -> Self {

    pub(crate) const fn as_i8(self) -> i8 {

impl const From<Direction> for i8 {
    fn from(value: Direction) -> Self {

impl const std::ops::Add<Direction> for Square {
    type Output = Option<Self>;

    fn add(self, rhs: Direction) -> Self::Output {
        let from   = self.as_u8();
        let step   = rhs .0;
        let to     = from.wrapping_add_signed(step);
        let square = Self::from_u8(to)?;

        if self.distance(square) <= Direction::MAX_STEPS {
            return Some(square);


impl const std::ops::Neg for Direction {
    type Output = Self;

    fn neg(self) -> Self::Output {

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn direction_clone() {
        assert_eq!(Direction::W, Direction::W.clone());

    fn direction_debug() {
        assert_eq!("Direction(0)",  format!("{:?}", Direction::NONE));
        assert_eq!("Direction(-7)", format!("{:?}", Direction::SE));

    fn direction_neg() {
        assert_eq!(Direction::E, -Direction::W);
        assert_eq!(Direction::SSW, -Direction::NNE);

    fn direction_neg_twice() {
        assert_eq!(Direction::SE, --Direction::SE);

    fn square_add_direction() {
        let tests = [
            ( Square::A1, Direction::N, Some(Square::A2) ),
            ( Square::A1, Direction::E, Some(Square::B1) ),
            ( Square::A1, Direction::W, None ),
            ( Square::A1, Direction::S, None ),

            ( Square::H1, Direction::N, Some(Square::H2) ),
            ( Square::H1, Direction::E, None ),
            ( Square::H1, Direction::W, Some(Square::G1) ),
            ( Square::H1, Direction::S, None ),

            ( Square::A8, Direction::N, None ),
            ( Square::A8, Direction::E, Some(Square::B8) ),
            ( Square::A8, Direction::W, None ),
            ( Square::A8, Direction::S, Some(Square::A7) ),

            ( Square::H8, Direction::N, None ),
            ( Square::H8, Direction::E, None ),
            ( Square::H8, Direction::W, Some(Square::G8) ),
            ( Square::H8, Direction::S, Some(Square::H7) ),

            ( Square::C2, Direction::N, Some(Square::C3) ),
            ( Square::C2, Direction::E, Some(Square::D2) ),
            ( Square::C2, Direction::W, Some(Square::B2) ),
            ( Square::C2, Direction::S, Some(Square::C1) ),

        for (before, direction, after) in tests {
            assert_eq!(after, before + direction);

    fn lateral_part() {
        assert_eq!(Direction::NONE, Direction::NONE.lateral_part());
        assert_eq!(Direction::NONE, Direction::S   .lateral_part());
        assert_eq!(Direction::E,    Direction::NE  .lateral_part());
        assert_eq!(Direction::WW,   Direction::WSW .lateral_part());

    fn vertical_part() {
        assert_eq!(Direction::NONE, Direction::NONE.vertical_part());
        assert_eq!(Direction::NONE, Direction::W   .vertical_part());
        assert_eq!(Direction::N,    Direction::NE  .vertical_part());
        assert_eq!(Direction::NN,   Direction::NNW .vertical_part());
        assert_eq!(Direction::SS,   Direction::SSW .vertical_part());

    fn mirrored() {
        assert_eq!(Direction::NONE, Direction::NONE.mirrored());
        assert_eq!(Direction::S,    Direction::N   .mirrored());
        assert_eq!(Direction::E,    Direction::W   .mirrored());
        assert_eq!(Direction::NE,   Direction::SW  .mirrored());
        assert_eq!(Direction::SSW,  Direction::NNE .mirrored());