stm32l0x1-hal 0.9.0

Peripheral access API for STM32L0x1 microcontrollers
//! Timers

use core::convert::Infallible;

use cast::{u16, u32};
use hal::timer::*;

use rcc::{ClockContext, APB1, APB2};
use time::Hertz;
//use rcc::clocking::LPTimerClkSource;
#[cfg(any(feature = "STM32L031x4", feature = "STM32L031x6"))]
use stm32l0x1::TIM22;
use stm32l0x1::{TIM2, TIM21};

/// 16-bit timer
pub struct Timer<TIM> {
    /// The underlying timer peripheral
    timer: TIM,
    /// The timer's period
    timeout: Hertz,
    /// The clock frequency
    clk_f: Hertz,
    /// The multiplier to the clock that feeds the timer
    timx_prsc: u32,

/// Timer events that can be subscribed to
pub enum Event {
    /// The timer has expired

macro_rules! impl_timer {
    ($($TIMX:ident: ($timX:ident, $APB:ident, $apb:ident, $enr_bit:ident, $rstr_bit:ident),)+) => {
            impl Periodic for Timer<$TIMX> {}

            impl Cancel for Timer<$TIMX> {
                fn try_cancel(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
                    // disable the timer
                    self.timer.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.cen().clear_bit());

            impl CountDown for Timer<$TIMX> {
                type Time = Hertz;
                type Error = Infallible;

                fn try_start<T>(&mut self, timeout: T) -> Result<(), Self::Error>
                    T: Into<Self::Time>
                    // disable the timer
                    self.timer.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.cen().clear_bit());
                    // reset its counter

                    self.timeout = timeout.into();

                    // timer clock ticks per timeout cycle
                    let ticks = self.clk_f.0 * self.timx_prsc / self.timeout.0;

                    // prescale the timer clock to account for multiples of the 16-bit counter
                    // size
                    let psc = u16((ticks - 1) / (1 << 16)).unwrap();
                    self.timer.psc.write(|w| w.psc().bits(psc));

                    // now set the auto-reload value
                    let arr = u16(ticks / u32(psc + 1)).unwrap();
                    self.timer.arr.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(arr.into()) });

                    // Trigger an update event to load the prescaler value to the clock
                    // The above line raises an update event which will indicate
                    // that the timer is already finnished. Since this is not the case,
                    // it should be cleared

                    // start counter
                    self.timer.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.cen().set_bit());


                fn try_wait(&mut self) -> nb::Result<(), Infallible> {
                    match {
                        true => Err(nb::Error::WouldBlock),
                        false => {

            impl Timer<$TIMX> {
                /// Instantiate a new timer
                pub fn $timX<T: Into<Hertz>>(timer: $TIMX, clk_ctx: &ClockContext, timeout: T, apb: &mut $APB) -> Self {
                    // enable and reset peripheral to a clean slate state
                    apb.enr().modify(|_, w| w.$enr_bit().set_bit());
                    apb.rstr().modify(|_, w| w.$rstr_bit().set_bit());
                    apb.rstr().modify(|_, w| w.$rstr_bit().clear_bit());

                    // timer clock is multiplied by 2 is APBx presc is != 1
                    let timx_prsc = if clk_ctx.hclk_fclk() == clk_ctx.$apb() { 1 } else { 2 };

                    Timer { timer, timeout: timeout.into(), clk_f: clk_ctx.$apb(), timx_prsc }

                /// Starts listening for an `event`
                pub fn subscribe(&mut self, event: Event) {
                    match event {
                        Event::Timeout => self.timer.dier.write(|w| w.uie().set_bit())

                /// Stops listening for an `event`
                pub fn unsubscribe(&mut self, event: Event) {
                    match event {
                        Event::Timeout => self.timer.dier.write(|w| w.uie().clear_bit())

                /// Resets SR's UIF register to clear status of overflow.
                /// Unless reset is done, Interrupt handler is going to be continiously called.
                pub fn reset_overflow(&mut self) {
          |_, w| w.uif().clear_bit());

                /// Pauses timer and releases the TIM peripheral
                pub fn free(self) -> $TIMX {
                    self.timer.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.cen().clear_bit());

impl_timer! {
    TIM2: (tim2, APB1, apb1, tim2en, tim2rst),
    TIM21: (tim21, APB2, apb2, tim21en, tim21rst),

#[cfg(any(feature = "STM32L031x4", feature = "STM32L031x6"))]
impl_timer! {
    TIM22: (tim22, APB2, apb2, tim22en, tim22rst),