stm32h7xx-hal 0.7.0

Hardware Abstraction Layer implementation for STM32H7 series microcontrollers
# [Documentation]


[![Bors enabled](](

[_stm32h7xx-hal_]( contains
a hardware abstraction layer on top of the peripheral access API for
the STMicro STM32H7xx family of microcontrollers. The idea behind this
crate is to gloss over the slight differences in the various
peripherals available on those MCUs so a HAL can be written for all
chips in that same family without having to cut and paste crates for
every single model.

This crate relies on Adam Greig's fantastic [stm32h7][] crate to provide
appropriate register definitions, and implements a partial set of the
[embedded-hal][] traits. Much of the implementation was adapted from
other HAL crates in the [stm32-rs organisation][stm32-rs].

Collaboration on this crate is highly welcome, as are pull requests!

Supported Configurations

* __stm32h743v__ (Revision V: stm32h743, stm32h742, stm32h750)
* __stm32h753v__
* __stm32h743__ (Revision Y: stm32h743, stm32h742, stm32h750)
* __stm32h753__
* __stm32h747cm7__ (stm32h747, stm32h757)

#### Single core parts (Cortex M7)
In 2019 ST released hardware Revision V of the stm32h742, stm32h743,
stm32h750 and stm32h753 ([eevblog][]). This hardware revision makes
breaking hardware changes, documented in [AN5312][]. If you have a
device purchased since mid-2019, you likely want to use the feature
gate ending in a __v__.

#### Dual core parts (Cortex M7 + Cortex M4)
On dual core parts, currently only the Cortex M7 core is supported.

#### Flash memory size

By default this crate assumes a 2Mbyte flash size. To set a smaller limit for
linker errors, uncomment the correct `FLASH` section definition in memory.x

Getting Started

The [examples folder](examples/) contains several example programs. To compile
them, specify the target device in a cargo feature:

$ cargo build --features=stm32h743v,rt

See the [Examples README](examples/ for more details.

To use stm32h7xx-hal as a dependency in a standalone project the
target device feature must be specified in the `Cargo.toml` file:
cortex-m = "0.6.2"
cortex-m-rt = "0.6.12"
stm32h7xx-hal = {version = "0.7.0", features = ["stm32h743v","rt"]}

If you are unfamiliar with embedded development using Rust, there are
a number of fantastic resources available to help.

- [Embedded Rust Documentation]
- [The Embedded Rust Book]
- [Rust Embedded FAQ]
- [rust-embedded/awesome-embedded-rust]


Below is a short list of publicly available and documented STM32H7
development boards. Note that including them on this list does not
mean they have been successfully tested with this crate. Some boards
have a Board Support Crate (BSP) offering pin mappings and additional

Board | Manufacturer | BSP / Examples?
[NUCLEO-H743ZI] | ST | [Examples]
[STM32H743I-EVAL] | ST |
[STM32H747I-EVAL] | ST |
[STM32H747I-DISCO] | ST |
[Daisy Seed] | Electrosmith |
[Portenta H7] ⚠️ | Arduino |
[OpenH743I-C] | Waveshare |
[Toasty] | Webtronics |

⚠️: Programming this board via its USB connector requires interacting with
an unknown proprietary(?) bootloader. This bootloader may make it difficult
or impossible for you to load binaries not approved by Arduino. Alternative
programming interfaces are only available on the high density connectors.

Minimum supported Rust version

The Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV) at the moment is **1.43.0**. Older
versions **may** compile, especially when some features are not used
in your application.

Other STM32H7 crates

This crate only includes implmentations of [embedded-hal][] traits or
other core functionality. An incomplete list of additional peripheral
support crates is given here:

- [stm32h7-fmc]
- _[Search]


See [](


0-Clause BSD License, see [LICENSE-0BSD.txt](LICENSE-0BSD.txt) for more details.
