[][src]Crate stm32h7_fmc

Hardware Abstraction Layer for Flexible Memory Controller (FMC) on STM32H7

Currently only SDRAM functions are implemented.

This crate depends on the GPIO, Clock and Delay functionality from stm32h7xx-hal


The H7 supports up to 2 external SDRAM devices. This library currently only supports 1, although it may be on either bank 1 or 2.

IO Setup

IO is constructed by configuring each pin as high speed and assigning to the FMC block (usually AF12).

    let pa0 = gpioa.pa0.into_push_pull_output()

Then contruct a PinSdram type from the required pins. They must be specified in the order given here.

    let fmc_io = stm32h7_fmc::PinsSdramBank1(
            // A0-A11
            pa0, ...
            // BA0-BA1
            // D0-D31
            // NBL0 - NBL3
            // SDCKE
            // SDCLK
            // SDNCAS
            // SDNE
            // SDRAS
            // SDNWE

See the examples for an ergonomic method using macros.


First create a new SDRAM from the FMC peripheral, IO and SDRAM device constants.

    let mut sdram =
        stm32h7_fmc::Sdram::new(dp.FMC, fmc_io, is42s32800g_6::Is42s32800g {});

Then initialise the controller and the SDRAM device. Convert the raw pointer to a sized slice using from_raw_parts_mut.

    let ram = unsafe {
        // Initialise controller and SDRAM
        let ram_ptr: *mut u32 = sdram.init(&mut delay, ccdr.clocks);

        // 32 MByte = 256Mbit SDRAM = 8M u32 words
        slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ram_ptr, 8 * 1024 * 1024)


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  • Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
  • MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.



ISI IS42S16400J SDRAM Speed Grade 7


ISI IS42S32800G SDRAM Speed Grade 6



Set of pins for SDRAM on Bank 1 of FMC controller


Set of pins for SDRAM on Bank 2 of FMC controller


SDRAM Controller