stm32f7xx-hal 0.7.0

HAL for the STM32F7xx family of microcontrollers
#[cfg_attr(test, allow(unused_imports))]
use micromath::F32Ext;

use crate::{
    pac::{DMA2D, LTDC, RCC},
    rcc::{Enable, HSEClock, Reset},

/// Display configuration constants
pub struct DisplayConfig {
    pub active_width: u16,
    pub active_height: u16,
    pub h_back_porch: u16,
    pub h_front_porch: u16,
    pub v_back_porch: u16,
    pub v_front_porch: u16,
    pub h_sync: u16,
    pub v_sync: u16,
    pub frame_rate: u16,
    /// `false`: active low, `true`: active high
    pub h_sync_pol: bool,
    /// `false`: active low, `true`: active high
    pub v_sync_pol: bool,
    /// `false`: active low, `true`: active high
    pub no_data_enable_pol: bool,
    /// `false`: active low, `true`: active high
    pub pixel_clock_pol: bool,

/// Accessible layers
/// * `L1`: layer 1
/// * `L2`: layer 2
pub enum Layer {

pub struct DisplayController<T: 'static + SupportedWord> {
    /// ltdc instance
    _ltdc: LTDC,
    /// dma2d instance
    _dma2d: DMA2D,
    /// Configuration structure
    config: DisplayConfig,
    /// layer 1 buffer
    buffer1: Option<&'static mut [T]>,
    /// layer 2 buffer
    buffer2: Option<&'static mut [T]>,
    /// Pixels format in the layers
    pixel_format: PixelFormat,

impl<T: 'static + SupportedWord> DisplayController<T> {
    /// Create and configure the DisplayController
    pub fn new(
        ltdc: LTDC,
        dma2d: DMA2D,
        pixel_format: PixelFormat,
        config: DisplayConfig,
        hse: Option<&HSEClock>,
    ) -> DisplayController<T> {
        // Screen constants
        let total_width: u16 =
            config.h_sync + config.h_back_porch + config.active_width + config.h_front_porch - 1;
        let total_height: u16 =
            config.v_sync + config.v_back_porch + config.active_height + config.v_front_porch - 1;
        let lcd_clk: u32 =
            (total_width as u32) * (total_height as u32) * (config.frame_rate as u32);

        // TODO : change it to something safe ...
        unsafe {
            // Enable LTDC
            // Reset LTDC peripheral

            // Enable DMA2D
            // Reset DMA2D

        // Get base clock and PLLM divisor
        let base_clk: u32;
        match &hse {
            Some(hse) => base_clk = hse.freq.raw(),
            // If no HSE is provided, we use the HSI clock at 16 MHz
            None => base_clk = 16_000_000,
        let rcc = unsafe { &(*RCC::ptr()) };
        let pllm: u8 =;

        // There are 24 combinations possible for a divisor with PLLR and DIVR
        // We find the one that is the closest possible to the target value
        // while respecting all the conditions
        let vco_in_mhz: f32 = (base_clk as f32 / pllm as f32) / 1_000_000.0;
        let lcd_clk_mhz = (lcd_clk as f32) / 1_000_000.0;
        let allowed_pllr = [2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0];
        let allowed_divr = [2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0];
        let mut best_pllr: f32 = allowed_pllr[0];
        let mut best_divr: f32 = allowed_divr[0];
        let mut best_plln: f32 = 100.0;
        let mut best_error: f32 = (vco_in_mhz * best_plln) / (best_pllr * best_divr);
        let mut error: f32;
        let mut plln: f32;

        for pllr in &allowed_pllr {
            for divr in &allowed_divr {
                plln = ((lcd_clk_mhz * divr * pllr) / vco_in_mhz).floor();
                error = lcd_clk_mhz - (vco_in_mhz * plln) / (pllr * divr);

                // We have to make sure that the VCO_OUT is in range [100, 432]
                // MHz Because VCO_IN is in range [1, 2] Mhz, the condition
                // PLLN in range [50, 432] is automatically satisfied
                if 100.0 <= vco_in_mhz * plln
                    && vco_in_mhz * plln <= 432.0
                    && error >= 0.0
                    && error < best_error
                    best_pllr = *pllr;
                    best_divr = *divr;
                    best_plln = plln;
                    best_error = error;

        let pllsaidivr: u8 = match best_divr as u16 {
            2 => 0b00,
            4 => 0b01,
            8 => 0b10,
            16 => 0b11,
            _ => unreachable!(),

        // // Write PPLSAI configuration
        rcc.pllsaicfgr.write(|w| unsafe {
                .bits(best_plln as u16)
                .bits(best_pllr as u8)
        rcc.dckcfgr1.modify(|_, w| w.pllsaidivr().bits(pllsaidivr));

        // Enable PLLSAI and wait for it|_, w| w.pllsaion().on());
        while {}

        // Configure LTDC Timing registers
        ltdc.sscr.write(|w| {
                .bits((config.h_sync - 1) as u16)
                .bits((config.v_sync - 1) as u16)
        ltdc.bpcr.write(|w| {
                .bits((config.h_sync + config.h_back_porch - 1) as u16)
                .bits((config.v_sync + config.v_back_porch - 1) as u16)
        ltdc.awcr.write(|w| {
                .bits((config.h_sync + config.h_back_porch + config.active_width - 1) as u16)
                .bits((config.v_sync + config.v_back_porch + config.active_height - 1) as u16)
        ltdc.twcr.write(|w| {
                .bits(total_width as u16)
                .bits(total_height as u16)

        // Configure LTDC signals polarity
        ltdc.gcr.write(|w| {

        // Set blue background color
        ltdc.bccr.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(0xAAAAAAAA) });

        // TODO: configure interupts

        // Reload ltdc config immediatly
        ltdc.srcr.modify(|_, w| w.imr().set_bit());
        // Turn display ON
        ltdc.gcr.modify(|_, w| w.ltdcen().set_bit().den().set_bit());

        // Reload ltdc config immediatly
        ltdc.srcr.modify(|_, w| w.imr().set_bit());

        DisplayController {
            _ltdc: ltdc,
            _dma2d: dma2d,
            buffer1: None,
            buffer2: None,

    /// Configure the layer
    /// Note : the choice is made (for the sake of simplicity) to make the layer
    /// as big as the screen
    /// Color Keying and CLUT are not yet supported
    pub fn config_layer(
        &mut self,
        layer: Layer,
        buffer: &'static mut [T],
        pixel_format: PixelFormat,
    ) {
        let _layer = match &layer {
            Layer::L1 => &self._ltdc.layer1,
            Layer::L2 => &self._ltdc.layer2,

        let height = self.config.active_height;
        let width = self.config.active_width;
        assert!(buffer.len() == height as usize * width as usize);

        // Horizontal and vertical window (coordinates include porches): where
        // in the time frame the layer values should be sent
        let h_win_start = self.config.h_sync + self.config.h_back_porch - 1;
        let v_win_start = self.config.v_sync + self.config.v_back_porch - 1;

        _layer.whpcr.write(|w| {
                .bits(h_win_start + 1)
                .bits(h_win_start + width)
        _layer.wvpcr.write(|w| {
                .bits(v_win_start + 1)
                .bits(v_win_start + height)

        // Set pixel format
        _layer.pfcr.write(|w| {
   &pixel_format {
                PixelFormat::ARGB8888 => 0b000,
                // PixelFormat::RGB888 => 0b001,
                PixelFormat::RGB565 => 0b010,
                PixelFormat::ARGB1555 => 0b011,
                PixelFormat::ARGB4444 => 0b100,
                PixelFormat::L8 => 0b101,
                PixelFormat::AL44 => 0b110,
                PixelFormat::AL88 => 0b111,
                // _ => unimplemented!(),

        // Set global alpha value to 1 (255/255). Used for layer blending.
        _layer.cacr.write(|w| w.consta().bits(0xFF));

        // Set default color to plain (not transparent) red (for debug
        // purposes). The default color is used outside the defined layer window
        // or when a layer is disabled.
        _layer.dccr.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(0xFFFF0000) });

        // Blending factor: how the layer is combined with the layer below it
        // (layer 2 with layer 1 or layer 1 with background). Here it is set so
        // that the blending factor does not take the pixel alpha value, just
        // the global value of the layer
            .write(|w| unsafe { w.bf1().bits(0b100).bf2().bits(0b101) });

        // Color frame buffer start address
            .write(|w| w.cfbadd().bits(buffer.as_ptr() as u32));

        // Color frame buffer line length (active*byte per pixel + 3), and pitch
        let byte_per_pixel: u16 = match &pixel_format {
            PixelFormat::ARGB8888 => 4,
            // PixelFormat::RGB888 => 24, unsupported for now because u24 does not exist
            PixelFormat::RGB565 => 2,
            PixelFormat::ARGB1555 => 2,
            PixelFormat::ARGB4444 => 16,
            PixelFormat::L8 => 1,
            PixelFormat::AL44 => 1,
            PixelFormat::AL88 => 2,
            // _ => unimplemented!(),
        _layer.cfblr.write(|w| {
                .bits(width * byte_per_pixel)
                .bits(width * byte_per_pixel + 3)

        // Frame buffer number of lines
        _layer.cfblnr.write(|w| w.cfblnbr().bits(height));

        // No Color Lookup table (CLUT)|_, w| w.cluten().clear_bit());

        // Config DMA2D hardware acceleration : pixel format, no CLUT
        self._dma2d.fgpfccr.write(|w| unsafe {
            w.bits(match &pixel_format {
                PixelFormat::ARGB8888 => 0b000,
                // PixelFormat::RGB888 => 0b0001, unsupported for now because u24 does not exist
                PixelFormat::RGB565 => 0b0010,
                PixelFormat::ARGB1555 => 0b0011,
                PixelFormat::ARGB4444 => 0b0100,
                PixelFormat::L8 => 0b0101,
                PixelFormat::AL44 => 0b0110,
                PixelFormat::AL88 => 0b0111,
                // PixelFormat::L4 => 0b1000, unsupported for now
                // PixelFormat::A8 => 0b1001,
                // PixelFormat::A4 => 0b1010
                // _ => unimplemented!(),

        match &layer {
            Layer::L1 => self.buffer1 = Some(buffer),
            Layer::L2 => self.buffer2 = Some(buffer),

    /// Enable the layer
    pub fn enable_layer(&self, layer: Layer) {
        match layer {
            Layer::L1 =>|_, w| w.len().set_bit()),
            Layer::L2 =>|_, w| w.len().set_bit()),

    /// Draw a pixel at position (x,y) on the given layer
    pub fn draw_pixel(&mut self, layer: Layer, x: usize, y: usize, color: T) {
        if x >= self.config.active_width as usize || y >= self.config.active_height as usize {
            panic!("Invalid (x,y) pixel position");

        match layer {
            Layer::L1 => {
                self.buffer1.as_mut().unwrap()[x + self.config.active_width as usize * y] = color
            Layer::L2 => {
                self.buffer2.as_mut().unwrap()[x + self.config.active_width as usize * y] = color

    /// Draw hardware accelerated rectangle
    /// # Safety
    /// TODO: use safer DMA transfers
    pub unsafe fn draw_rectangle(
        &mut self,
        layer: Layer,
        top_left: (usize, usize),
        bottom_right: (usize, usize),
        color: u32,
    ) {
        // Output color format
        self._dma2d.opfccr.write(|w| {
   &self.pixel_format {
                PixelFormat::ARGB8888 => 0b000,
                // PixelFormat::RGB888 => 0b001, unsupported for now
                PixelFormat::RGB565 => 0b010,
                PixelFormat::ARGB1555 => 0b011,
                PixelFormat::ARGB4444 => 0b100,
                _ => unreachable!(),

        // Output color
        self._dma2d.ocolr.write_with_zero(|w| w.bits(color));

        // Destination memory address
        let offset: isize = (top_left.0 + self.config.active_width as usize * top_left.1) as isize;
        self._dma2d.omar.write_with_zero(|w| {
            w.bits(match &layer {
                Layer::L1 => self.buffer1.as_ref().unwrap().as_ptr().offset(offset) as u32,
                Layer::L2 => self.buffer2.as_ref().unwrap().as_ptr().offset(offset) as u32,

        // Pixels per line and number of lines
        self._dma2d.nlr.write(|w| {
                .bits((bottom_right.0 - top_left.0) as u16)
                .bits((bottom_right.1 - top_left.1) as u16)

        // Line offset
        self._dma2d.oor.write(|w| {
                .bits(top_left.0 as u16 + self.config.active_width - bottom_right.0 as u16)

        // Start transfert: register to memory mode
            .modify(|_, w| w.mode().bits(0b11).start().set_bit());

    /// Reload display controller immediatly
    pub fn reload(&self) {
        // Reload ltdc config immediatly
        self._ltdc.srcr.modify(|_, w| w.imr().set_bit());

/// Available PixelFormats to work with
/// Notes :
/// * `L8`: 8-bit luminance or CLUT
/// * `AL44`: 4-bit alpha + 4-bit luminance
/// * `AL88`: 8-bit alpha + 8-bit luminance
pub enum PixelFormat {
    // RGB888(u24) unsupported for now because u24 does not exist

pub trait SupportedWord {}
impl SupportedWord for u8 {}
impl SupportedWord for u16 {}
impl SupportedWord for u32 {}