Struct stm32f40x::i2c3::sr1::R [] [src]

pub struct R { /* fields omitted */ }

Value read from the register


impl R

Value of the register as raw bits

Bit 15 - SMBus alert

Bit 14 - Timeout or Tlow error

Bit 12 - PEC Error in reception

Bit 11 - Overrun/Underrun

Bit 10 - Acknowledge failure

Bit 9 - Arbitration lost(master mode)

Bit 8 - Bus error

Bit 7 - Data register empty(transmitters)

Bit 6 - Data register not empty(receivers)

Bit 4 - Stop detection(slave mode)

Bit 3 - 10-bit header sent(Master mode)

Bit 2 - Byte transfer finished

Bit 1 - Address sent(master mode)/matched(slave mode)

Bit 0 - Start bit(Master mode)