Module stm32f0xx_hal::pac::rcc::cfgr[][src]

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Clock configuration register (RCC_CFGR)


Field ADCPRE reader - APCPRE is deprecated. See ADC field in CFGR2 register.

Field ADCPRE writer - APCPRE is deprecated. See ADC field in CFGR2 register.

Clock configuration register (RCC_CFGR)

Field HPRE reader - AHB prescaler

Field HPRE writer - AHB prescaler

Field MCOPRE reader - Microcontroller Clock Output Prescaler

Field MCOPRE writer - Microcontroller Clock Output Prescaler

Field MCO reader - Microcontroller clock output

Field MCO writer - Microcontroller clock output

Field PLLMUL reader - PLL Multiplication Factor

Field PLLMUL writer - PLL Multiplication Factor

Field PLLNODIV reader - PLL clock not divided for MCO

Field PLLNODIV writer - PLL clock not divided for MCO

Field PLLSRC reader - PLL input clock source

Field PLLSRC writer - PLL input clock source

Field PLLXTPRE reader - HSE divider for PLL entry. Same bit as PREDIC[0] from CFGR2 register. Refer to it for its meaning

Field PLLXTPRE writer - HSE divider for PLL entry. Same bit as PREDIC[0] from CFGR2 register. Refer to it for its meaning

Field PPRE reader - APB Low speed prescaler (APB1)

Field PPRE writer - APB Low speed prescaler (APB1)

Register CFGR reader

Field SWS reader - System Clock Switch Status

Field SW reader - System clock Switch

Field SW writer - System clock Switch

Register CFGR writer


AHB prescaler

Microcontroller Clock Output Prescaler

Microcontroller clock output

PLL Multiplication Factor

PLL clock not divided for MCO

PLL input clock source

HSE divider for PLL entry. Same bit as PREDIC[0] from CFGR2 register. Refer to it for its meaning

APB Low speed prescaler (APB1)

System Clock Switch Status

System clock Switch