stm32f0xx-hal 0.13.0

Peripheral access API for STM32F0 series microcontrollers


[_stm32f0xx-hal_]( contains a hardware abstraction on top of the peripheral access API for the STMicro STM32F0xx family of microcontrollers.

This crate replaces the [stm32f042-hal]( by a more ubiquitous version suitable for additional families. The idea behind this crate is to gloss over the slight differences in the various peripherals available on those MCUs so a HAL can be written for all chips in that same family without having to cut and paste crates for every single model.

This crate relies on Adam Greig's fantastic [stm32f0]( crate to provide appropriate register definitions, and implements a partial set of the [embedded-hal]( traits. Some of the implementation was shamelessly adapted from the [stm32f103xx-hal]( crate by Jorge Aparicio.

Collaboration on this crate is highly welcome, as are pull requests!

Supported Configurations

* __stm32f030__ (stm32f030x4, stm32f030x6, stm32f030x8, stm32f030xc)  
* __stm32f031__  
* __stm32f038__  
* __stm32f042__  
* __stm32f048__  
* __stm32f051__  
* __stm32f058__  
* __stm32f070__ (stm32f070x6, stm32f070xb)  
* __stm32f071__  
* __stm32f072__  
* __stm32f078__  
* __stm32f091__  
* __stm32f098__  

Getting Started

If you are unfamiliar with embedded development using Rust, there are a number of fantastic resources available to help.

- [Embedded Rust Documentation]  
- [The Embedded Rust Book]  
- [Rust Embedded FAQ]  
- [rust-embedded/awesome-embedded-rust]


See [](


0-Clause BSD License, see [LICENSE-0BSD.txt](LICENSE-0BSD.txt) for more details.