Module stm32_hal2::clocks[][src]

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This module contains clock configurations for various MCUs. They tend to be significantly different from one another, so we’ve feature-gated these files, rather than code within the files, to differentiate families.

See STM32CubeIDE for an interactive editor that’s very useful for seeing what settings are available, and validating them.

See the Reference Manuals for non-interactive visualizations.


Settings used to configure clocks. Create this struct by using its Default::default() implementation, then modify as required, referencing your RM’s clock tree, or Stm32Cube IDE’s interactive clock manager. Apply settings by running .setup().

Configures the speeds, and enable status of an individual PLL (PLL1, or SAIPLL). Note that the enable field has no effect for PLL1.

Speed out of limits.


For use with RCC_APBPPRE1, and RCC_APBPPRE2. Ie, low-speed and high-speed prescalers respectively.

Select the SYNC signal source. Sets the CRS_CFGR register, SYNCSRC field.

Division factor for the AHB clock. Also known as AHB Prescaler. L4 RM, 6.4.3 on WB, used for all 3 HCLK prescalers.

Specify the range of MSI - this is effectively it’s oscillation speed.

SAI clock input source. Sets RCC_CCIPR register, SAIxSEL fields.

Select the system clock used when exiting Stop mode. Sets RCC_CFGR register, STOPWUCK field.


Enable the Clock Recovery System. L443 User manual: “The STM32L443xx devices embed a special block which allows automatic trimming of the internal 48 MHz oscillator to guarantee its optimal accuracy over the whole device operational range. This automatic trimming is based on the external synchronization signal, which could be either derived from USB SOF signalization, from LSE oscillator, from an external signal on CRS_SYNC pin or generated by user software. For faster lock-in during startup it is also possible to combine automatic trimming with manual trimming action.” Note: This is for HSI48 only. Note that the HSI will turn off after entering Stop or Standby.