stitch_core 0.1.0

A scalable abstraction learning library
use crate::abstraction_learning::*;
use crate::abstraction_learning::egraphs::EGraph;
use lambdas::*;
use rustc_hash::{FxHashMap,FxHashSet};
use compression::*;

/// convert an egraph Id to an Expr. Assumes one node per class (just picks the first node). Note
/// that this could cause an infinite loop if the egraph didnt just have a single node in a class
/// and instead the first node had a self loop.
pub fn extract(eclass: Id, egraph: &EGraph) -> Expr {
    debug_assert!(egraph[eclass].nodes.len() == 1);
    match &egraph[eclass].nodes[0] {
        Lambda::Prim(p) => Expr::prim(*p),
        Lambda::Var(i) => Expr::var(*i),
        Lambda::IVar(i) => Expr::ivar(*i),
        Lambda::App([f,x]) => Expr::app(extract(*f,egraph), extract(*x,egraph)),
        Lambda::Lam([b]) => Expr::lam(extract(*b,egraph)),
        Lambda::Programs(roots) => Expr::programs(roots.iter().map(|r| extract(*r,egraph)).collect()),

/// like extract() but works on nodes
pub fn extract_enode(enode: &Lambda, egraph: &EGraph) -> Expr {
    match enode {
        Lambda::Prim(p) => Expr::prim(*p),
        Lambda::Var(i) => Expr::var(*i),
        Lambda::IVar(i) => Expr::ivar(*i),
        Lambda::App([f,x]) => Expr::app(extract(*f,egraph),extract(*x,egraph)),
        Lambda::Lam([b]) => Expr::lam(extract(*b,egraph)),
        _ => {panic!("not rendered")},

/// a rule for determining when to shift and by how much.
/// if anything points above the `depth_cutoff` (absolute depth
/// of lambdas from the top of the program) it gets shifted by `shift`. If
/// more than one ShiftRule applies then more then one shift will happen.
struct ShiftRule {
    depth_cutoff: i32, 
    shift: i32,

pub fn rewrite_fast(
    pattern: &FinishedPattern,
    shared: &SharedData,
    inv_name: &str,
) -> Vec<Expr>
    // println!("rewriting with {}",;
    fn helper(
        pattern: &FinishedPattern,
        shared: &SharedData,
        unshifted_id: Id,
        total_depth: i32, // depth from the very root of the program down
        shift_rules: &mut Vec<ShiftRule>,
        inv_name: &str,
        refinements: Option<(&Vec<Id>,i32)>
    ) -> Expr
        // we search using the the *unshifted* one since its an original program tree node
        if pattern.pattern.match_locations.binary_search(&unshifted_id).is_ok() // if the pattern matches here
           && (!pattern.util_calc.corrected_utils.contains_key(&unshifted_id) // and either we have no conflict (ie corrected_utils doesnt have an entry)
             || pattern.util_calc.corrected_utils[&unshifted_id]) // or we have a conflict but we choose to accept it (which is contextless in this top down approach so its the right move)
           && refinements.is_none() // AND we can't currently be in a refinement where rewriting is forbidden
        //    && !pattern.pattern.first_zid_of_ivar.iter().any(|zid| // and there are no negative vars anywhere in the arguments
        //         shared.egraph[shared.arg_of_zid_node[*zid][&unshifted_id].id].data.free_vars.iter().any(|var| *var < 0))
            // println!("inv applies at unshifted={} with shift={}", extract(unshifted_id,&shared.egraph), shift);
            let mut expr = Expr::prim(inv_name.into());
            // wrap the prim in all the Apps to args
            for (_ivar,zid) in pattern.pattern.first_zid_of_ivar.iter().enumerate() {
                let arg: &Arg = &shared.arg_of_zid_node[*zid][&unshifted_id];

                // assert!(shared.egraph[arg.shifted_id].data.free_vars.iter().all(|v| *v >= 0));
                // assert!( == egraphs::shift(arg.unshifted_id, arg.shift, &shared.egraph, None).unwrap());

                if arg.shift != 0 {
                    shift_rules.push(ShiftRule{depth_cutoff: total_depth, shift: arg.shift});
                let rewritten_arg = helper(pattern, shared, arg.unshifted_id, total_depth, shift_rules, inv_name, None);
                if arg.shift != 0 {
                    shift_rules.pop(); // pop the rule back off after
                expr = Expr::app(expr, rewritten_arg);
            return expr
        // println!("descending: {}", extract(unshifted_id,&shared.egraph));

        if let Some((refinements,arg_depth)) = refinements.as_ref() {
            if let Some(idx) = refinements.iter().position(|r| *r == unshifted_id) {
                // println!("found refinement!!!");
                // todo should this be `idx` or `refinements.len()-1-idx`?
                return Expr::var(total_depth - arg_depth + idx as i32); // if we didnt pass thru any lams on the way this would just be $0 and thus refer to the Expr::lam() wrapping our helper() call

        match &shared.node_of_id[usize::from(unshifted_id)] {
            Lambda::Prim(p) => Expr::prim(*p),
            Lambda::Var(i) => {
                let mut j = *i;
                for rule in shift_rules.iter() {
                    // take "i" steps upward from current depth and see if you meet or pass the cutoff.
                    // exactly equaling the cutoff counts as needing shifting.
                    if total_depth - i <= rule.depth_cutoff {
                        j += rule.shift;
                if let Some((refinements,arg_depth)) = refinements.as_ref() {
                    // we're inside the *shifted arg* of a refinement so this var has already been shifted a bit btw
                    // tho thats kinda irrelevant right here
                    if j >= *arg_depth {
                        // j is pointing above the invention so we need to upshift it a bit to account for the new lambdas we added
                        j += refinements.len() as i32;
                assert!(j >= 0, "{}", pattern.to_expr(shared));
            }, // we extract from the *shifted* one since thats the real one
            Lambda::App([unshifted_f,unshifted_x]) => {
                    helper(pattern, shared, *unshifted_f, total_depth, shift_rules, inv_name, refinements),
                    helper(pattern, shared, *unshifted_x, total_depth, shift_rules, inv_name, refinements),
            Lambda::Lam([unshifted_b]) => {
                Expr::lam(helper(pattern, shared, *unshifted_b, total_depth + 1, shift_rules, inv_name, refinements))
            Lambda::IVar(_) => {
                panic!("attempted to rewrite with an ivar");
            _ => unreachable!(),

    let shift_rules = &mut vec![];
    let rewritten_exprs: Vec<Expr> = shared.roots.iter().map(|root| {
        helper(pattern, shared, *root, 0, shift_rules, inv_name, None)

    if !shared.cfg.no_mismatch_check && !shared.cfg.utility_by_rewrite {
                root_idxs.iter().map(|idx| rewritten_exprs[*idx].cost()).min().unwrap()
            shared.init_cost - pattern.util_calc.util,


/// These are like Inventions but with a pointer to the body instead of an Expr
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
struct PtrInvention {
    pub body:Id, // this will be a subtree which can have IVars
    pub arity: usize, // also equal to max ivar in subtree + 1
    pub name: String
impl PtrInvention {
    pub fn new(body:Id, arity: usize, name: String) -> Self {
        PtrInvention {

/// Same as `rewrite_with_invention` but for multiple inventions, rewriting with one after another in order, compounding on each other
pub fn rewrite_with_inventions(
    e: Expr,
    invs: &[Invention]
) -> Expr {
    let mut egraph = EGraph::default();
    let root = egraph.add_expr(&e.into());
    rewrite_with_inventions_egraph(root, invs, &mut egraph)

/// Rewrite `root` using an invention `inv`. This will use inventions everywhere
/// as long as it decreases the cost. It will account for the fact that using an invention
/// in a child could prevent the use of the invention in the parent - it will always do whatever
/// gives the lowest cost.
/// For the `EGraph` argument here you can either pass in a fresh egraph constructed by `let mut egraph = EGraph::new(); egraph.add_expr(expr.into())`
/// or if you make repeated calls to this function feel free to pass in the same egraph over and over. It doesn't matter what is in the EGraph already.

pub fn rewrite_with_invention(
    e: Expr,
    inv: &Invention,
) -> Expr {
    let mut egraph = EGraph::default();
    let root = egraph.add_expr(&e.into());
    rewrite_with_invention_egraph(root, inv, &mut egraph)

/// Same as `rewrite_with_invention_egraph` but for multiple inventions, rewriting with one after another in order, compounding on each other
pub fn rewrite_with_inventions_egraph(
    root: Id,
    invs: &[Invention],
    egraph: &mut EGraph,
) -> Expr {
    let mut root = root;
    for inv in invs.iter() {
        let expr = rewrite_with_invention_egraph(root, inv, egraph);
        root = egraph.add_expr(&expr.into());

/// Same as `rewrite_with_invention` but operates on an egraph instead of an Expr.
/// For the `EGraph` argument here you can either pass in a fresh egraph constructed by `let mut egraph = EGraph::new(); egraph.add_expr(expr.into())`
/// or if you make repeated calls to this function feel free to pass in the same egraph over and over. It doesn't matter what is in the EGraph already
/// as long as `root` is in it.
pub fn rewrite_with_invention_egraph(
    root: Id,
    inv: &Invention,
    egraph: &mut EGraph,
) -> Expr {
    let inv: PtrInvention = PtrInvention::new(egraph.add_expr(&inv.body.clone().into()), inv.arity,;

    let treenodes = topological_ordering(root, egraph);

    assert!(!treenodes.iter().any(|n| egraph[*n].nodes[0] == Lambda::Prim(Symbol::from(&,
        "Invention {} already in tree",;

    let mut nodecost_of_treenode: FxHashMap<Id,NodeCost> = Default::default();
    for treenode in treenodes.iter() {
        // println!("processing id={}: {}", treenode, extract(*treenode, egraph) );

        // clone to appease the borrow checker
        let node = egraph[*treenode].nodes[0].clone();

        let mut nodecost = NodeCost::new(egraph[*treenode].data.inventionless_cost);

        // trying to use the invs at this node
        if let Some(args) = match_expr_with_inv(*treenode, &inv, &mut nodecost_of_treenode, egraph) {
            let cost: i32 =
                COST_TERMINAL // the new primitive for this invention
                + COST_NONTERMINAL * inv.arity as i32 // the chain of app()s needed to apply the new primitive
                + args.iter()
                    .map(|id| nodecost_of_treenode[id]
                        .cost_under_inv(&inv)) // cost under ANY of the invs since we allow multiple to be used!
                    .sum::<i32>(); // sum costs of actual args
                    nodecost.new_cost_under_inv(inv.clone(), cost, Some(args));

        // inventions based on specific node type
        match node {
            Lambda::IVar(_) => { unreachable!() }
            Lambda::Var(_) => {},
            Lambda::Prim(_) => {},
            Lambda::App([f,x]) => {
                let f_nodecost = &nodecost_of_treenode[&f];
                let x_nodecost = &nodecost_of_treenode[&x];
                // costs with inventions as 1 + fcost + xcost. Use inventionless cost as a default.
                // if either fcost or xcost is None (ie infinite)
                let fcost = f_nodecost.cost_under_inv(&inv);
                let xcost = x_nodecost.cost_under_inv(&inv);
                let cost = COST_NONTERMINAL+fcost+xcost;
                nodecost.new_cost_under_inv(inv.clone(), cost, None);
            Lambda::Lam([b]) => {
                // just map +1 over the costs
                let b_nodecost = &nodecost_of_treenode[&b];
                let bcost = b_nodecost.cost_under_inv(&inv);
                nodecost.new_cost_under_inv(inv.clone(), bcost + COST_NONTERMINAL, None);
            Lambda::Programs(roots) => {
                // no filtering for 2+ uses because we're just doing rewriting here
                let cost = roots.iter().map(|root| {
                    nodecost.new_cost_under_inv(inv.clone(), cost, None);

        nodecost_of_treenode.insert(*treenode, nodecost);

    // Now that we've calculated all the costs, we can extract the cheapest one
    extract_from_nodecosts(root, &inv, &nodecost_of_treenode, egraph)

fn extract_from_nodecosts(
    root: Id,
    inv: &PtrInvention,
    nodecost_of_treenode: &FxHashMap<Id,NodeCost>,
    egraph: &EGraph,
) -> Expr {

    let target_cost = nodecost_of_treenode[&root].cost_under_inv(inv);

    if let Some((inv,_cost,args)) = nodecost_of_treenode[&root].top_invention() {
        if let Some(args) = args {
            // invention was used here
            let mut expr = Expr::prim(;
            // wrap the new primitive in app() calls. Note that you pass in the $0 args LAST given how appapplamlam works
            for arg in args.iter() {
                let arg_expr = extract_from_nodecosts(*arg, &inv, nodecost_of_treenode, egraph);
                expr = Expr::app(expr,arg_expr);
        } else {
            // inventions were used in our children
            let expr: Expr = match &egraph[root].nodes[0] {
                Lambda::Prim(_) | Lambda::Var(_) | Lambda::IVar(_) => {unreachable!()},
                Lambda::App([f,x]) => {
                    let f_expr = extract_from_nodecosts(*f, &inv, nodecost_of_treenode, egraph);
                    let x_expr = extract_from_nodecosts(*x, &inv, nodecost_of_treenode, egraph);
                Lambda::Lam([b]) => {
                    let b_expr = extract_from_nodecosts(*b, &inv, nodecost_of_treenode, egraph);
                Lambda::Programs(roots) => {
                    let root_exprs: Vec<Expr> = roots.iter()
                        .map(|r| extract_from_nodecosts(*r, &inv, nodecost_of_treenode, egraph))
    } else {
        // no invention was useful, just return original tree
        let expr =  extract(root, egraph);

/// There will be one of these structs associated with each node, and it keeps
/// track of the best inventions for that node, their costs, and their arguments.
struct NodeCost {
    inventionless_cost: i32,
    inventionful_cost: FxHashMap<PtrInvention, (i32,Option<Vec<Id>>)>, // i32 = cost; and Some(args) gives the arguments if the invention is used at this node

impl NodeCost {
    fn new(inventionless_cost: i32) -> Self {
        Self {
            inventionful_cost: FxHashMap::default()
    /// cost under an invention if it's useful for this node, else inventionless cost
    fn cost_under_inv(&self, inv: &PtrInvention) -> i32 {
    /// improve the cost using a new invention, or do nothing if we've already seen
    /// a better cost for this invention. Also skip if inventionless cost is better.
    fn new_cost_under_inv(&mut self, inv: PtrInvention, cost:i32, args: Option<Vec<Id>>) {
        if cost < self.inventionless_cost
                && (!self.inventionful_cost.contains_key(&inv) || cost < self.inventionful_cost[&inv].0)
            self.inventionful_cost.insert(inv, (cost,args));
    /// Get the top inventions in decreasing order of cost
    #[allow(dead_code)] // todo at some point add tests for this
    fn top_inventions(&self) -> Vec<PtrInvention> {
        let mut top_inventions: Vec<PtrInvention> = self.inventionful_cost.keys().cloned().collect();
        top_inventions.sort_by(|a,b| self.inventionful_cost[a].0.cmp(&self.inventionful_cost[b].0));
    /// Get the top inventions in decreasing order of cost
    fn top_invention(&self) -> Option<(PtrInvention,i32,Option<Vec<Id>>)> {
        self.inventionful_cost.iter().min_by_key(|(_k,v)| v.0).map(|(k,v)| (k.clone(),v.0,v.1.clone()))

fn match_expr_with_inv(
    root: Id,
    inv: &PtrInvention,
    best_inventions_of_treenode: &mut FxHashMap<Id, NodeCost>,
    egraph: &mut EGraph,
) -> Option<Vec<Id>> {
    let mut args: Vec<Option<Id>> = vec![None;inv.arity];
    let threadables = threadables_of_inv(inv.clone(), egraph);
    if match_expr_with_inv_rec(root, inv.body, 0, &mut args, &threadables, best_inventions_of_treenode, egraph) {
        assert!(args.iter().all(|x| x.is_some()), "{:?}\n{}\n{}", args, extract(root,egraph), extract(inv.body,egraph)); // if any didnt unwrap() fine that would mean some variable wasnt used at all in the invention body
        Some(args.iter().map(|arg| arg.unwrap()).collect()) 
    } else {

fn match_expr_with_inv_rec(
    root: Id,
    inv: Id,
    depth: i32,
    args: &mut [Option<Id>],
    threadables: &FxHashSet<Id>,
    best_inventions_of_treenode: &mut FxHashMap<Id, NodeCost>,
    egraph: &mut EGraph,
) -> bool {
    // println!("comparing:\n\t{}\n\t{}",
    //     extract(root, egraph).to_string(),
    //     extract(inv, egraph).to_string()
    // );
    // println!("processing:\n\troot:{}\n\tinv:{} ts:{}", extract(root,egraph), extract(inv,egraph), threadables.contains(&inv));
    match (&egraph[root].nodes[0].clone(), &egraph[inv].nodes[0].clone()) { // clone for the borrow checker
        (Lambda::Prim(p), Lambda::Prim(q)) => { p == q },
        (Lambda::Var(i), Lambda::Var(j)) => { i == j },
        (root_node, Lambda::App([g,y])) if threadables.contains(&inv) => {
            // todo this whole section is a nightmare so make sure there arent bugs

            // a thread site only applies when the set of internal pointers is the same
            // as the thread site's set of pointers.
            let internal_free_vars: FxHashSet<i32> = egraph[root].data.free_vars.iter().filter(|i| **i < depth).cloned().collect();
            let num_to_thread = internal_free_vars.len() as i32;
            if internal_free_vars == egraph[inv].data.free_vars {
                // println!("threading");
                // free vars match exactly so we could thread here note that if we match here than an inner thread site wont match.
                // however, also note that there some chance a nonthreading approach could work too which is always simpler,
                // for example when matching (#0 $0) against (inc $0) we can simply set #0=inc instead of #0=(lam (inc $0))
                // lets clone our args and reset if this fails
                if let Lambda::App([f,x]) = root_node {
                    let cloned_args: Vec<_> = args.to_vec();
                    if match_expr_with_inv_rec(*f, *g, depth, args, threadables, best_inventions_of_treenode, egraph)
                    && match_expr_with_inv_rec(*x, *y, depth, args, threadables, best_inventions_of_treenode, egraph) {
                        return true;

                // Now lets build the desired argument out of `root` by basically
                // following what bubbling up would normally do: downshifting for each
                // internal lambda in the invention, except adding an extra lambda on top
                // in the case of threaded variables
                let mut arg = root;
                for i in 0..depth {
                    if egraph[inv].data.free_vars.contains(&i) {
                        // protect $0 before continuing with the shift
                        arg = egraph.add(Lambda::Lam([arg]));
                    arg = shift(arg, -1, egraph, &mut None).unwrap();

                // now copy over the best_inventions
                if !best_inventions_of_treenode.contains_key(&arg) {
                    let mut cloned = best_inventions_of_treenode[&root].clone();
                    cloned.inventionless_cost += COST_NONTERMINAL * num_to_thread;
                    // we'll force this arg to not use a toplevel invention at the "lam" node hence the None
                    cloned.inventionful_cost.iter_mut().for_each(|(_key, val)| {val.0 += COST_NONTERMINAL * num_to_thread; val.1 = None});

                let ivar = *egraph[inv].data.free_ivars.iter().next().unwrap() as usize;

                // now finally check that these results align
                if let Some(v) = args[ivar] {
                    arg == v // if #j was bound to some id `v` before, then `root` must be `v` for this to match
                } else {
                    args[ivar] = Some(arg);
                    // println!("Assigned #{} = {}", ivar, extract(arg,egraph));
            } else {
                // not threadable case 
                if let Lambda::App([f,x]) = root_node {
                    return match_expr_with_inv_rec(*f, *g, depth, args, threadables, best_inventions_of_treenode, egraph)
                    && match_expr_with_inv_rec(*x, *y, depth, args, threadables, best_inventions_of_treenode, egraph)
        (Lambda::App([f,x]), Lambda::App([g,y])) => {
            // not threadable case 
            match_expr_with_inv_rec(*f, *g, depth, args, threadables, best_inventions_of_treenode, egraph)
            && match_expr_with_inv_rec(*x, *y, depth, args, threadables, best_inventions_of_treenode, egraph)
        (Lambda::Lam([b]), Lambda::Lam([c])) => {
            match_expr_with_inv_rec(*b, *c, depth+1, args, threadables, best_inventions_of_treenode, egraph)
        (_, Lambda::IVar(j)) => {
            // We need to bind #j to `root`
            // First `root` needs to be downshifted by `depth`. There are 3 cases:
            let shifted_root: Id = if egraph[root].data.free_vars.is_empty() {
                // 1. `root` has no free variables so no shifting is needed
            } else if egraph[root].data.free_vars.iter().min().unwrap() - depth >= 0 {
                // 2. `root` has free variables but they all point outside the invention so are safe to decrement
                // copy the cost of the unshifted node to the shifted node (see PR#1 comments for why this is safe)
                fn shift_and_fix(node: Id, depth: i32, best_inventions_of_treenode: &mut FxHashMap<Id,NodeCost>, egraph: &mut EGraph) -> Id {
                    let shifted_node = shift(node, -depth, egraph, &mut None).unwrap();
                    if best_inventions_of_treenode.contains_key(&shifted_node) {
                        return shifted_node; // this has already been handled
                    let mut cloned = best_inventions_of_treenode[&node].clone();
                    // adjust the args needed for the shifted node so that they are shifted too. Note that this
                    // is only safe because we only ever use this for a single invention at a time so this hashtable
                    // actually only has one invention in it. This will be adjusted to be way more clear in the use-conflicts
                    // PR that hasnt yet been merged.
                    // Note that you propagate down the same "depth" for the shift amount for all recursive calls, I think this is correct
                    cloned.inventionful_cost.iter_mut().for_each(|(_key, val)| {
                        if let Some(args) = &mut val.1 {
                            args.iter_mut().for_each(|arg| *arg = shift_and_fix(*arg, depth, best_inventions_of_treenode, egraph));
                shift_and_fix(root, depth, best_inventions_of_treenode, egraph)
            } else {
                return false // threading needed but this is not a thread site

            if let Some(v) = args[*j as usize] {
                shifted_root == v // if #j was bound to some id `v` before, then `root` must be `v` for this to match
            } else {
                args[*j as usize] = Some(shifted_root);
                // println!("Assigned #{} = {}", j, extract(shifted_root,egraph));
        _ => { false }

fn threadables_of_inv(inv: PtrInvention, egraph: &EGraph) -> FxHashSet<Id> {
    // a threadable is a (app #i $j) or (app <threadable> $j)
    // assert j > k sanity check
    // println!("Invention: {}", inv.to_expr(egraph));
    let mut threadables: FxHashSet<Id> = Default::default();
    let nodes = topological_ordering(inv.body, egraph);
    for node in nodes {
        if let Lambda::App([f,x]) = egraph[node].nodes[0] {
            if matches!(egraph[x].nodes[0], Lambda::Var(_))
                    && (matches!(egraph[f].nodes[0], Lambda::IVar(_)) || threadables.contains(&f))
                // println!("Identified threadable: {}", extract(node,egraph));