sticker-utils 0.5.1

Neural sequence labeler (utilities)
use std::fs::File;
use std::hash::Hash;

use conllx::graph::Sentence;
use failure::{Fallible, ResultExt};

use crate::config::{Config, EncoderType, LabelerType};
use crate::serialization::CborRead;
use sticker::depparse::{RelativePOSEncoder, RelativePositionEncoder};
use sticker::tensorflow::{Tagger, TaggerGraph};
use sticker::Tag;
use sticker::{CategoricalEncoder, LayerEncoder, Numberer, SentVectorizer, SentenceDecoder};

/// The `Tag` trait is not object-safe, since the `tag_sentences`
/// method has a type parameter to accept a slice of mutably
/// borrowable `Sentence`s. However, in TaggerWrapper, we want to box
/// different taggers to hide their type parameters. `TagRef` is a
/// helper trait that is implemented for any `Tag`, but is object-safe
/// by specializing `tag_sentences_ref` for `Sentence` references.
trait TagRef {
    fn tag_sentences_ref(&self, sentences: &mut [&mut Sentence]) -> Fallible<()>;

impl<T> TagRef for T
    T: Tag,
    /// Tag sentences.
    fn tag_sentences_ref(&self, sentences: &mut [&mut Sentence]) -> Fallible<()> {

/// A covenience wrapper for `Tagger`.
/// This wrapper loads embeddings, initializes the vectorizer,
/// initializes the graph, and loads labels given a `Config` struct.
pub struct TaggerWrapper {
    inner: Box<TagRef + Send + Sync>,

impl TaggerWrapper {
    /// Create a tagger from the given configuration.
    pub fn new(config: &Config) -> Fallible<Self> {
        let embeddings = config
            .with_context(|e| format!("Cannot load embeddings: {}", e))?;
        let vectorizer = SentVectorizer::new(embeddings);

        let graph_reader = File::open(&config.model.graph).with_context(|e| {
                "Cannot open computation graph '{}' for reading: {}",
                &config.model.graph, e

        let graph = TaggerGraph::load_graph(graph_reader, &config.model)
            .with_context(|e| format!("Cannot load computation graph: {}", e))?;

        match config.labeler.labeler_type {
            LabelerType::Sequence(ref layer) => {
                Self::new_with_decoder(&config, vectorizer, graph, LayerEncoder::new(layer.clone()))
            LabelerType::Parser(EncoderType::RelativePOS) => {
                Self::new_with_decoder(&config, vectorizer, graph, RelativePOSEncoder)
            LabelerType::Parser(EncoderType::RelativePosition) => {
                Self::new_with_decoder(&config, vectorizer, graph, RelativePositionEncoder)

    fn new_with_decoder<D>(
        config: &Config,
        vectorizer: SentVectorizer,
        graph: TaggerGraph,
        decoder: D,
    ) -> Fallible<Self>
        D: 'static + Send + SentenceDecoder + Sync,
        D::Encoding: Clone + Eq + Hash + Send + Sync,
        Numberer<D::Encoding>: CborRead,
        let labels = config.labeler.load_labels().with_context(|e| {
            format!("Cannot load label file '{}': {}", config.labeler.labels, e)

        let categorical_decoder = CategoricalEncoder::new(decoder, labels);

        let tagger = Tagger::load_weights(
        .with_context(|e| format!("Cannot construct tagger: {}", e))?;

        Ok(TaggerWrapper {
            inner: Box::new(tagger),

    /// Tag sentences.
    pub fn tag_sentences(&self, sentences: &mut [&mut Sentence]) -> Fallible<()> {