stick 0.7.0

Get input from joysticks, gamepads, and other controllers
# Stick
## About
Stick is a Rust library for getting joystick, gamepad, or other controller input.

## Features
- Get controller input (Linux)
- Remap controller input (Linux)
- Connect to multiple controllers (Linux)
- CONTROLLER: GameCube controllers (with MAYFLASH adapter)
- CONTROLLER: Flight simulator joystick
- CONTROLLER: XBox controller
- CONTROLLER: PlayStation controller

## Getting Started
use stick::Port;

fn main() {
    // Connect to all devices.
    let mut port = Port::new();

    // Loop showing state of all devices.
    loop {
        // Cycle through all currently plugged in devices.
        for i in 0..port.update() {
            let device = port.get(i);
            println!("{}: {}", i, device);


- Better haptic (vibration) support
- CONTROLLER: Emulated joystick
- CONTROLLER: Probably some other controllers
- PLATFORM: Windows
- PLATFORM: Android
- PLATFORM: Nintendo switch

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