steward 0.0.5

Task runner and process manager for Rust
# Steward

[![API docs](](
[![MIT licensed](](./LICENSE)

Task runner and process manager for Rust.


If you're not happy managing your infrastructure with a pile of bash scripts, this crate might be helpful. It provides base building blocks for defining and running various kinds of tasks. It's like [`foreman`]( but more low-level, with Rust API and more flexibility & features.

Works great with [`clap`](!

## Documentation
See [](

## Examples
See [`examples`](./examples).

## Limitations
### Async runtimes
Tokio only.

## License

> ### ShakaCode
> If you are looking for help with the development and optimization of your project, [ShakaCode] can help you to take the reliability and performance of your app to the next level.
> If you are a developer interested in working on Rust / ReScript / TypeScript / Ruby on Rails projects, [we're hiring]!