stew 0.2.0

Stew is a set of image transformation tools. It allows images to be transformed using individual executables and allows pipes to be used to combine multiple tools.
use std::io::stdin;
use std::io::Read;
use std::path::Path;

use crate::config::Config;
use crate::processor::conversion::ConversionProcessor;
use crate::processor::encoding_format::EncodingFormatDecider;
use image;

use crate::processor::ProcessWithConfig;

pub fn import<P: AsRef<Path>>(maybe_path: Option<P>) -> Result<image::DynamicImage, String> {
    maybe_path.map_or_else(import_from_input_stream_sync, import_from_file_sync)

// TODO{foresterre}: Currently the method we use to read from the input stream is full blocking.
//  That is, as long as no terminating signal has been received, the stream will wait for input.
//  Perhaps we would like to read the stdin with tokio-io (async).
//  Then we can display an error and the help page instead if the 'Complete' event has been received,
//  but the buffer is empty.
fn import_from_input_stream_sync() -> Result<image::DynamicImage, String> {
    // We don't known the input size yet, so we allocate.
    let mut buffer = Vec::new();

    // Uses stderr because stdout is used to redirect the output image if no file is defined.
        "If stdin is empty, the programs waits for input until a termination \
         signal has been received (usually you can send it by pressing Ctrl+D in your terminal)."

    stdin().lock().read_to_end(&mut buffer).map_err(|err| {
            "Unable to read from the stdin. Message: {}",

    if buffer.is_empty() {
        return Err("Stdin was empty. To display the help page, use the `--help` flag.".to_string());

    // Uses stderr because stdout is used to redirect the output image if no file is defined.
    eprintln!("Read {} bytes. Continuing.", buffer.len());

    image::load_from_memory(&buffer).map_err(|err| err.to_string())

fn import_from_file_sync<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<image::DynamicImage, String> {
    image::open(path).map_err(|err| err.to_string())

pub fn export(
    image: &image::DynamicImage,
    format_decider: &EncodingFormatDecider,
    config: &Config,
) -> Result<(), String> {
    format_decider.process(&config).and_then(|format| {
        let conversion_processor = ConversionProcessor::new(&image, format);