stepflow-data 0.0.1

Data-related components for StepFlow
use stepflow_base::{ObjectStoreContent, IdError, generate_id_type};
use super::{Value, InvalidValue};


pub trait Var: std::fmt::Debug + stepflow_base::as_any::AsAny {
  fn id(&self) -> &VarId;
  fn value_from_str(&self, s: &str) -> Result<Box<dyn Value>, InvalidValue>;
  fn validate_val_type(&self, val: &Box<dyn Value>) -> Result<(), InvalidValue>;

// implement downcast helpers that have trait bounds to make it a little safer
impl dyn Var + Send + Sync {
  pub fn downcast<T>(&self) -> Option<&T>
    where T: Var + std::any::Any
  pub fn is<T>(&self) -> bool 
    where T: Var + std::any::Any

impl ObjectStoreContent for Box<dyn Var + Sync + Send> {
  type IdType = VarId;

  fn new_id(id_val: u32) -> Self::IdType {

  fn id(&self) -> &Self::IdType {

macro_rules! define_var {
  ($name:ident, $valuetype:ident) => {

    pub struct $name {
      id: VarId,
    impl $name {
      pub fn new(id: VarId) -> Self {
        Self { id }
      pub fn boxed(self) -> Box<dyn Var + Send + Sync> {
    impl Var for $name {
      fn id(&self) -> &VarId { & }
      fn value_from_str(&self, s: &str) -> Result<Box<dyn Value>, InvalidValue> {
        Ok(Box::new(s.parse::<$valuetype>()?) as Box<dyn Value>)
      fn validate_val_type(&self, val: &Box<dyn Value>) -> Result<(), InvalidValue> {
        if<$valuetype>() {
        } else {

use super::EmailValue;
define_var!(EmailVar, EmailValue);

use super::StringValue;
define_var!(StringVar, StringValue);

use super::TrueValue;
define_var!(TrueVar, TrueValue);

use super::UriValue;
define_var!(UriVar, UriValue);

use super::BoolValue;
define_var!(BoolVar, BoolValue);

pub fn test_var_val() -> (Box<dyn Var + Send + Sync>, Box<dyn Value>) {
  let var = Box::new(StringVar::new(stepflow_test_util::test_id!(VarId)));
  let val: Box<dyn Value> = StringValue::try_new("test".to_owned()).unwrap().boxed();
  (var, val)

mod tests {
  use stepflow_test_util::test_id;
  use super::super::{Value, StringValue, EmailValue};
  use super::{Var, VarId, EmailVar, StringVar, UriVar, InvalidValue};

  fn validate_val_type() {
    let email_addr = "";
    let email_var = EmailVar::new(test_id!(VarId));

    let email_strval: Box<dyn Value> = StringValue::try_new(email_addr.to_owned()).unwrap().boxed();
    let email_emailval: Box<dyn Value> = EmailValue::try_new(email_addr.to_owned()).unwrap().boxed();
    assert!(matches!(email_var.validate_val_type(&email_strval), Err(InvalidValue::WrongType)));
    assert!(matches!(email_var.validate_val_type(&email_emailval), Ok(())));

  fn downcast() {
    let stringvar = StringVar::new(test_id!(VarId));
    let stringvar_boxed = stringvar.boxed();
    assert!(matches!(stringvar_boxed.as_any().downcast_ref::<StringVar>(), Some(_)));
    assert!(matches!(stringvar_boxed.as_any().downcast_ref::<UriVar>(), None));

    // try our helper 
    assert!(matches!(stringvar_boxed.downcast::<StringVar>(), Some(_)));
    assert_eq!(<StringVar>(), true);
    assert!(matches!(stringvar_boxed.downcast::<UriVar>(), None));
    assert_eq!(<UriVar>(), false);