stemma_soil_sensor 0.1.0

Library for reading data from Adafruit STEMMA Soil Sensor failed to build stemma_soil_sensor-0.1.0
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Library for retrieving readings from Adafruit STEMMA Soil Sensor.

The implementation is based on the Adafruit CircuitPython Seesaw library.

The library is tested and used on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ board, running Raspbian but uses interfaces from embedded_hal for all operation so it should work in no_std environments as well.


pub fn main(interval_ms: u64) {
   use stemma_soil_sensor::SoilSensor;
   use linux_embedded_hal::Delay;
   use embedded_hal::blocking::delay::DelayMs;

   let delay = Delay {};
   let mut sensor = SoilSensor::init(delay).unwrap();

    loop {
       let temp = sensor.get_temp().unwrap();
       let cap = sensor.get_capacitance().unwrap();
       println!("The temperature is: {:.02}", temp);
       println!("The capactiance is: {}", cap);
       let mut delay = Delay {};

Using this library with other boards

There are minor differences between this implementation and the one for the Arduino board. The two major differences are:

  1. Reading output from the sensor is not done in 32 byte chunks. This could pose an issue.
  2. The timings to allow the sensor to process are slightly longer than the C implementation and is based on the Python library. This should not matter.

If #1 is a problem I'll be positive to implement a read method which allows the user of the library to supply a buffer of the size they need. Leave an issue or a PR with the implementation and I'll add it.

On #2, the short timings used in the C example continuously caused read errors when I tried it so I'm not sure lowering it is possible.