steg 0.1.5

Command line steganography tool
Contributing to Steg

Thanks for taking the time to contribute to Steg! 🎉 Steg welcomes pull requests from everyone and anyone.

## Pull request process
 1. Fork the Steg project
 2. Create a new branch. The branch name should be prefixed with one of [`chore`, `docs`, `feat`, `bugfix`, `refactor`, `test`]
 followed by the authors name and then the task. For example feat/bobSmith/added-company-logo 
 3. Make changes. Once the feature or bug is complete the commit message should contain whether it is a bug or a feature, for example "feat(Logo): Add company logo to header"
 4. Make a pull request into master. For this you will need to push to your fork and [submit a pull request][pr].
