
The non-connection-oriented interface to send and receive messages (whether they be “clients” or “servers”).


A user’s account id

An id for a steam app/game

Access to the steam apps interface

Called when generating a authentication session ticket.

A handle for an authentication ticket that can be used to cancel it.

A handle that can be used to remove a callback at a later point.

The main entry point into the steam client.

Manages keeping the steam api active for clients

Information about a friend’s current state in a game

Access to the steam friends interface

A game id

Query object from query_item, to allow for more filtering.

Query object from query_items, to allow for more filtering.

A lobby chat room state has changed, this is usually sent when a user has joined or left the lobby.

Access to the steam matchmaking interface

Access to the steam networking interface

Called when a user wants to communicate via p2p

Worshop item ID

Query result

Query results

Access to the steam remote storage interface

The main entry point into the steam client for servers.

Manages keeping the steam api active for servers

Allows access parts of the steam api that can only be called on a single thread at any given time.

A handle for a possible steam cloud file

Name and size information about a file in the steam cloud

A read handle for a steam cloud file

A write handle for a steam cloud file

A user’s steam id

Called when the connection to the Steam servers fails.

Called when a connection to the Steam servers is made.

Called when the connection to the Steam servers is lost.

A handle to update a published item

A handle to watch an update of a published item

Access to the steam user interface

Result of a request to store the achievements on the server, or an “indicate progress” call. If both current_progress and max_progress are zero, that means the achievement has been fully unlocked.

Query object from query_user, to allow for more filtering.

Access to the steam user interface

Callback type after calling request_current_stats().

Callback triggered by store().

Access to the steam utils interface

Called when an authentication ticket has been validated.


AppID filter for queries. The “consumer” app is the app that the content is for. The “creator” app is a separate editor to create the content in, if applicable.

Errors from begin_authentication_session

Errors from ValidateAuthTicketResponse

Flags describing how a users lobby state has changed. This is provided from LobbyChatUpdate.

The visibility of a lobby

The method used to send a packet

Used to set the mode that a gameserver will run in

Covers errors that can be returned by the steamworks API

Available published item statistic types.

Workshop item types to search for

Available user-specific lists. Certain ones are only available to the currently logged in user.

Query result sorting



Used to separate client and game server modes


Returns true if the app wasn’t launched through steam and begins relaunching it, the app should exit as soon as possible.

Type Definitions