Trait stdweb::web::event::IEvent [] [src]

pub trait IEvent: ReferenceType {
    fn bubbles(&self) -> bool { ... }
fn cancel_bubble(&self) -> bool { ... }
fn set_cancel_bubble(&self, value: bool) { ... }
fn cancelable(&self) -> bool { ... }
fn current_target(&self) -> Option<EventTarget> { ... }
fn default_prevented(&self) -> bool { ... }
fn event_phase(&self) -> EventPhase { ... }
fn stop_immediate_propagation(&self) { ... }
fn stop_propagation(&self) { ... }
fn target(&self) -> Option<EventTarget> { ... }
fn time_stamp(&self) -> Option<f64> { ... }
fn is_trusted(&self) -> bool { ... }
fn event_type(&self) -> String { ... }
fn prevent_default(&self) { ... } }

The IEvent interface represents any event which takes place in the DOM; some are user-generated (such as mouse or keyboard events), while others are generated by APIs (such as events that indicate an animation has finished running, a video has been paused, and so forth). There are many types of event, some of which use other interfaces based on the main IEvent interface. IEvent itself contains the properties and methods which are common to all events.

(JavaScript docs)

Provided Methods

Indicates whether this event bubbles upward through the DOM.

(JavaScript docs)

A historical alias to Event.stopPropagation().

(JavaScript docs)

A historical alias to Event.stopPropagation(). Setting this to true before returning from an event handler will stop propagation of the event.

(JavaScript docs)

Indicates whether the event is cancelable.

(JavaScript docs)

A reference to the currently registered target of this event.

(JavaScript docs)

Indicates whether preventDefault has been called on this event.

(JavaScript docs)

Indicates which phase of event flow is currently being evaluated.

(JavaScript docs)

Prevents any further listeners from being called for this event.

(JavaScript docs)

Stops the propagation of this event to descendants in the DOM.

(JavaScript docs)

Returns a reference to the target to which this event was originally registered.

(JavaScript docs)

Returns the time in milliseconds at which this event was created.

(JavaScript docs)

Indicates whether the event was generated by a user action.

Returns a string containing the type of event. It is set when the event is constructed and is the name commonly used to refer to the specific event.

(JavaScript docs)

Cancels the event if it is cancelable, without stopping further propagation of the event.

(JavaScript docs)
