Expand description

Amino schema for an sdk.Msg.

Schema files are similar to Protobuf schemas, but use a TOML-based syntax.

Example TOML File

Below is an example TOML file defining an sdk.Msg. This example defines a type named oracle/MsgExchangeRatePrevote:

namespace = "core/StdTx"

acc_prefix = "terra"
val_prefix = "terravaloper"

type_name = "oracle/MsgExchangeRatePrevote"
fields = [
    { name = "hash",  type = "string" },
    { name = "denom", type = "string" },
    { name = "feeder", type = "sdk.AccAddress" },
    { name = "validator", type = "sdk.ValAddress" },

type_name = "oracle/MsgExchangeRateVote"
fields = [
    { name = "exchange_rate", type = "sdk.Dec", tag = 1 },
    { name = "salt", type = "string" },
    { name = "denom", type = "string" },
    { name = "feeder", type = "sdk.AccAddress" },
    { name = "validator", type = "sdk.ValAddress" },


Definition of a particular type in the schema

Fields in an Amino-serialized sdk.Msg

Schema definition for an sdk.Msg to be included in an StdTx.


Types of Amino values which can be included in a sdk.Msg