[][src]Crate stdtx

Extensible schema-driven builder, signer, and Amino serializer for Cosmos SDK-formatted StdTx transactions, the standard transaction format used by the Cosmos SDK and other Tendermint blockchains which use types from the Cosmos SDK.

Uses a TOML-based schema description language for sdk.Msg values which should be encoded into the final StdTx.

Includes a StdTx builder capable of constructing sdk.Msg values and signing them using any ECDSA secp256k1 signer compatible with the ecdsa crate (e.g. signatory-secp256k1, yubihsm).

Equivalent Go code


Below is a self-contained example of how to use stdtx::Builder type to construct a signed StdTx message:

use stdtx::Builder;
use signatory_secp256k1::{SecretKey, EcdsaSigner};

/// Example account number
const ACCOUNT_NUMBER: u64 = 946827;

/// Example chain ID
const CHAIN_ID: &str = "columbus-3";

/// Example oracle feeder for `oracle/MsgExchangeRateVote`
const FEEDER: &str = "terra1t9et8wjeh8d0ewf4lldchterxsmhpcgg5auy47";

/// Example oracle validator for `oracle/MsgExchangeRateVote`
const VALIDATOR: &str = "terravaloper1grgelyng2v6v3t8z87wu3sxgt9m5s03x2mfyu7";

/// Example amount of gas to include in transaction
const GAS_AMOUNT: u64 = 200000;

/// Example StdTx message schema definition. See docs for the
/// `stdtx::Schema` type for more information:
/// <https://docs.rs/cosmos-stdtx/latest/stdtx/schema/index.html>
/// Message types taken from Terra's oracle voter transactions:
/// <https://docs.terra.money/docs/dev-spec-oracle#message-types>
pub const TERRA_SCHEMA: &str = r#"
    namespace = "core/StdTx"
    acc_prefix = "terra"
    val_prefix = "terravaloper"

    type_name = "oracle/MsgExchangeRatePrevote"
    fields = [
        { name = "hash",  type = "string" },
        { name = "denom", type = "string" },
        { name = "feeder", type = "sdk.AccAddress" },
        { name = "validator", type = "sdk.ValAddress" },

    type_name = "oracle/MsgExchangeRateVote"
    fields = [
        { name = "exchange_rate", type = "sdk.Dec"},
        { name = "salt", type = "string" },
        { name = "denom", type = "string" },
        { name = "feeder", type = "sdk.AccAddress" },
        { name = "validator", type = "sdk.ValAddress" },

/// Simple error type
struct Error(String);

impl From<stdtx::Error> for Error {
    fn from(err: stdtx::Error) -> Error {

/// Simple builder for an `oracle/MsgExchangeRateVote` message
fn build_vote_msg(schema: &stdtx::Schema) -> Result<stdtx::Msg, Error> {
    Ok(stdtx::msg::Builder::new(schema, "oracle/MsgExchangeRateVote")?
        .decimal("exchange_rate", -1i8)?
        .string("salt", "XXXX")?
        .string("denom", "ukrw")?
        .acc_address_bech32("feeder", FEEDER)?
        .val_address_bech32("validator", VALIDATOR)?

/// Parse the TOML schema for Terra `sdk.Msg` types
let schema = TERRA_SCHEMA.parse::<stdtx::Schema>().unwrap();

/// Create ECDSA signer (ordinarily you wouldn't generate a random key
/// every time but reuse an existing one)
let signer = EcdsaSigner::from(&SecretKey::generate());

/// Create message builder, giving it an account number, chain ID, and a
/// boxed ECDSA secp256k1 signer
let builder = stdtx::Builder::new(schema, ACCOUNT_NUMBER, CHAIN_ID, Box::new(signer));

/// Create message to be included in the `StdTx` using the method defined above
let msg = build_vote_msg(builder.schema()).unwrap();

/// Build transaction, returning serialized Amino bytes as a `Vec<u8>`
let sequence_number = 123456;
let fee = stdtx::StdFee::for_gas(GAS_AMOUNT);
let memo = "";
let amino_bytes = builder
    .sign_amino_tx(sequence_number, fee, memo, &[msg])

// `amino_bytes` is now a `Vec<u8>` containing an Amino serialized transaction


pub use self::address::Address;
pub use self::amino_types::StdFee;
pub use self::amino_types::StdSignature;
pub use self::amino_types::StdTx;
pub use self::builder::Builder;
pub use self::decimal::Decimal;
pub use self::error::Error;
pub use self::msg::Msg;
pub use self::schema::Schema;
pub use self::type_name::TypeName;



Address types (account or validator)


StdTx Amino types


Builder for StdTx transactions which handles construction and signing.


Decimal type providing equivalent semantics to Cosmos sdk.Dec


Error types


Transaction message type i.e sdk.Msg


Amino schema for an sdk.Msg.


Amino type names

Type Definitions


Fixed-width ECDSA secp256k1 signature Fixed-sized (a.k.a. "raw") secp256k1 ECDSA signature


Transaction signer for ECDSA secp256k1 signatures