Crate stdcli [] [src]

stdcli: the cli batteries for rust

stdcli is a metalibrary of the "batteries" of writing cli applications in rust. Its only primary goal is to make experiementation easier in rust, with a secondary goal of reducing the use of version = "*" in one-off cli scripts so that scripts people write can be more robust.

The general intended workflow is: - Use stdcli with cargo-script to write single-file scripts that contain all dependencies - If/when the script grows larger than a single file, break it out using cargo new and use a full-featured project. You can still use stdcli. - If/when you need more full control of your dependencies, grab what you need and go!

stdcli currently rexports macros so requires a nightly version of rust to be used.


pub extern crate chrono;
pub extern crate console;
pub extern crate ctrlc;
pub extern crate dialoguer;
pub extern crate failure;
pub extern crate failure_derive;
pub extern crate fern;
pub extern crate indicatif;
pub extern crate itertools;
pub extern crate lazy_static;
pub extern crate libc;
pub extern crate maplit;
pub extern crate rand;
pub extern crate rayon;
pub extern crate regex;
pub extern crate reqwest;
pub extern crate semver;
pub extern crate serde;
pub extern crate serde_derive;
pub extern crate serde_json;
pub extern crate serde_yaml;
pub extern crate shellexpand;
pub extern crate structopt;
pub extern crate structopt_derive;
pub extern crate tabwriter;
pub extern crate tar;
pub extern crate tempdir;
pub extern crate toml;
pub extern crate walkdir;



use stdcli::prelude::*; is considered the standard way to use this library.


Exports a unified terminal interface.



Create a BTreeMap from a list of key-value pairs


Create a BTreeSet from a list of elements.


Construct an Error using the standard string interpolation syntax.


Create a HashMap from a list of key-value pairs


Create a HashSet from a list of elements.


Create an iterator over the “cartesian product” of iterators.


Create an iterator running multiple iterators in lockstep.




One liner to init loglevel using a number for the verbosity. The verbosities are: - 0: exit immediately (no logging) - 1: Critical + Error - 2: Info - 3: Debug - 4: Trace