stb 0.3.2

Safe Rust API for stb libraries
//! Rust API for image loading/decoding from file/memory: JPG, PNG, TGA, BMP, PSD, GIF, HDR, PIC.
//! See
//! Primarily of interest to game developers and other people who can avoid problematic images and
//! only need the trivial interface.
//! - JPEG baseline & progressive (12 bpc/arithmetic not supported, same as stock IJG lib)
//! - PNG 1/2/4/8/16-bit-per-channel
//! - TGA (not sure what subset, if a subset)
//! - BMP non-1bpp, non-RLE
//! - PSD (composited view only, no extra channels, 8/16 bit-per-channel)
//! - GIF (*comp always reports as 4-channel)
//! - HDR (radiance rgbE format)
//! - PIC (Softimage PIC)
//! - PNM (PPM and PGM binary only)
//! Current limitations:
//! - No 12-bit-per-channel JPEG
//! - No JPEGs with arithmetic coding
//! - GIF always returns *comp=4
//! Rust implementation notes:
//! -  The crate wraps `stbi_io_callbacks` with a generic reader (anything that implements `io::Read` and `io::Seek`).
//! So look for `stbi_xyz_from_reader` APIs instead of `stbi_xyz_from_callbacks`.
//! -  There is no `Stdio` version of the API since it is convenient enough to use `stbi_xyz_from_reader`
//! API from Rust and there is no need to pay C string conversion overhead.
//! - You can use `stbi_no_FORMAT` feature toggles to disable not needed image formats.

use stb_sys as sys;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::ffi;
use std::io;
use std::os::raw;
use std::slice;

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialOrd, PartialEq)]
pub enum Channels {
    Default = 0,
    Grey = 1,
    GreyAlpha = 2,
    Rgb = 3,
    RgbAlpha = 4,

#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Info {
    /// Image width in pixels
    pub width: i32,
    /// Image height in pixels
    pub height: i32,
    /// Number of image components in image file
    pub components: i32,

/// Holds image memory allocated by stb and responsible for calling `stbi_image_free` once dropped.
pub struct Data<T> {
    data: *mut T,
    size: usize,

impl<T> Data<T> {
    fn new(data: *mut T, desired_channels: Channels, info: Info) -> Self {
        let components = if desired_channels == Channels::Default {
        } else {
            desired_channels as i32

        let size = (info.width * info.height * components) as usize;

        Data { data, size }

    /// Returns image memory as a slice
    pub fn as_slice(&self) -> &[T] {
        let size = self.size();
        unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(, size) }

    /// Returns the number of elements (which is width x height x desired_channels)
    pub fn size(&self) -> usize {

impl<T: Clone> Data<T> {
    /// Consumes this object into Rust owned vector
    pub fn into_vec(self) -> Vec<T> {

impl<T> Drop for Data<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe { sys::stbi_image_free( as *mut ffi::c_void) };

/// IO wrapper for stb
struct Wrapper<'a, R> {
    reader: &'a mut R,
    err: bool,

impl<'a, R> Wrapper<'a, R>
    R: io::Read + io::Seek,
    fn new(reader: &'a mut R) -> (Wrapper<'a, R>, sys::stbi_io_callbacks) {
        let reader = Wrapper { reader, err: false };
        let callbacks = sys::stbi_io_callbacks {
            read: Some(Self::io_read),
            skip: Some(Self::io_skip),
            eof: Some(Self::io_eof),

        (reader, callbacks)

    fn from_user_data(user: *mut raw::c_void) -> &'a mut Wrapper<'a, R> {
        unsafe { &mut *(user as *mut Wrapper<R>) }

    fn read(&mut self, data: *mut raw::c_char, size: raw::c_int) -> raw::c_int {
        if self.err {
            return 0;

        let dest = unsafe {
            let data = data as *mut u8;
            slice::from_raw_parts_mut(data, size as _)

        if let Ok(n) = {
            return n as _;

        self.err = true;

    fn skip(&mut self, n: raw::c_int) {
        match n.cmp(&0) {
            Ordering::Greater => {
                if as _)).is_err() {
                    self.err = true
            Ordering::Less => {
                // stb allows negative seeks while Rust API considers this as an error
                if self
                    .seek(io::SeekFrom::Current(0)) // Find current position
                    .and_then(|pos| - n as u64))) // Seek from start
                    self.err = true
            _ => {
                // Do nothing if zero

    fn eof(&self) -> raw::c_int {
        if self.err {
        } else {

    /// Fill `data` with `size` bytes.
    /// Return number of bytes actually read
    extern "C" fn io_read(
        user: *mut raw::c_void,
        data: *mut raw::c_char,
        size: raw::c_int,
    ) -> raw::c_int {
        Wrapper::<R>::from_user_data(user).read(data, size)

    /// Skip the next `n` bytes, or 'unget' the last `-n` bytes if negative
    extern "C" fn io_skip(user: *mut raw::c_void, n: raw::c_int) {

    /// Returns nonzero if we are at end of file/data
    extern "C" fn io_eof(user: *mut raw::c_void) -> raw::c_int {

/// By default we convert iphone-formatted PNGs back to RGB, even though they are internally
/// encoded differently. You can disable this conversion by calling
/// `stbi_convert_iphone_png_to_rgb(false)`, in which case you will always just get the
/// native iphone "format" through (which is BGR stored in RGB).
pub fn stbi_convert_iphone_png_to_rgb(true_if_should_convert: bool) {
    unsafe { sys::stbi_convert_iphone_png_to_rgb(if true_if_should_convert { 1 } else { 0 }) }

/// Call `stbi_set_unpremultiply_on_load(true)` to force a divide per pixel to remove any
/// premultiplied alpha *only* if the image file explicitly says there's premultiplied
/// data (currently only happens in iPhone images, and only if iPhone convert-to-rgb processing is on).
pub fn stbi_set_unpremultiply_on_load(true_if_should_unpremultiply: bool) {
    unsafe { sys::stbi_set_unpremultiply_on_load(if true_if_should_unpremultiply { 1 } else { 0 }) }

/// Flip the image vertically, so the first pixel in the output array is the bottom left
pub fn stbi_set_flip_vertically_on_load(true_if_should_flip: bool) {
    unsafe { sys::stbi_set_flip_vertically_on_load(if true_if_should_flip { 1 } else { 0 }) }

/// Get image dimensions & components from a slice without fully decoding
pub fn stbi_info_from_memory(buffer: &[u8]) -> Option<Info> {
    let mut info = Info::default();
    let ret = unsafe {
            buffer.len() as i32,
            &mut info.width,
            &mut info.height,
            &mut info.components,
    if ret == 0 {
    } else {

/// Get image dimensions & components from reader without fully decoding
pub fn stbi_info_from_reader<R>(reader: &mut R) -> Option<Info>
    R: io::Read + io::Seek,
    let (mut reader, callbacks) = Wrapper::new(reader);
    let mut info = Info::default();

    let ret = unsafe {
            &mut reader as *mut _ as *mut ffi::c_void,
            &mut info.width,
            &mut info.height,
            &mut info.components,

    if ret == 0 {
    } else {

pub fn stbi_is_16_bit_from_memory(buffer: &[u8]) -> bool {
    let ret = unsafe { sys::stbi_is_16_bit_from_memory(buffer.as_ptr(), buffer.len() as i32) };
    ret == 1

pub fn stbi_is_16_bit_from_reader<R>(reader: &mut R) -> bool
    R: io::Read + io::Seek,
    let (mut reader, callbacks) = Wrapper::new(reader);
    let ret = unsafe {
        sys::stbi_is_16_bit_from_callbacks(&callbacks, &mut reader as *mut _ as *mut ffi::c_void)
    ret == 1

pub fn stbi_load_from_memory(
    buffer: &[u8],
    desired_channels: Channels,
) -> Option<(Info, Data<u8>)> {
    let mut info = Info::default();

    let data = unsafe {
            buffer.len() as i32,
            &mut info.width,
            &mut info.height,
            &mut info.components,
            desired_channels as i32,

    if data.is_null() {
    } else {
        Some((info, Data::new(data, desired_channels, info)))

/// 8-bits-per-channel interface, load image from reader
pub fn stbi_load_from_reader<R>(
    reader: &mut R,
    desired_channels: Channels,
) -> Option<(Info, Data<u8>)>
    R: io::Read + io::Seek,
    let (mut reader, callbacks) = Wrapper::new(reader);
    let mut info = Info::default();

    let data = unsafe {
            &mut reader as *mut _ as *mut ffi::c_void,
            &mut info.width,
            &mut info.height,
            &mut info.components,
            desired_channels as i32,

    if data.is_null() {
    } else {
        Some((info, Data::new(data, desired_channels, info)))

/// 16-bits-per-channel interface, load image from memory
pub fn stbi_load_16_from_memory(
    buffer: &[u8],
    desired_channels: Channels,
) -> Option<(Info, Data<u16>)> {
    let mut info = Info::default();

    let data = unsafe {
            buffer.len() as i32,
            &mut info.width,
            &mut info.height,
            &mut info.components,
            desired_channels as i32,

    if data.is_null() {
    } else {
        Some((info, Data::new(data, desired_channels, info)))

pub fn stbi_load_16_from_reader<R>(
    reader: &mut R,
    desired_channels: Channels,
) -> Option<(Info, Data<u16>)>
    R: io::Read + io::Seek,
    let (mut reader, callbacks) = Wrapper::new(reader);
    let mut info = Info::default();

    let data = unsafe {
            &mut reader as *mut _ as *mut ffi::c_void,
            &mut info.width,
            &mut info.height,
            &mut info.components,
            desired_channels as i32,

    if data.is_null() {
    } else {
        Some((info, Data::new(data, desired_channels, info)))

#[cfg(not(feature = "stbi_no_linear"))]
pub fn stbi_loadf_from_memory(
    buffer: &[u8],
    desired_channels: Channels,
) -> Option<(Info, Data<f32>)> {
    let mut info = Info::default();

    let data = unsafe {
            buffer.len() as i32,
            &mut info.width,
            &mut info.height,
            &mut info.components,
            desired_channels as i32,

    if data.is_null() {
    } else {
        Some((info, Data::new(data, desired_channels, info)))

#[cfg(not(feature = "stbi_no_linear"))]
pub fn stbi_loadf_from_reader<R>(
    reader: &mut R,
    desired_channels: Channels,
) -> Option<(Info, Data<f32>)>
    R: io::Read + io::Seek,
    let (mut reader, callbacks) = Wrapper::new(reader);
    let mut info = Info::default();

    let data = unsafe {
            &mut reader as *mut _ as *mut ffi::c_void,
            &mut info.width,
            &mut info.height,
            &mut info.components,
            desired_channels as i32,

    if data.is_null() {
    } else {
        Some((info, Data::new(data, desired_channels, info)))

#[cfg(not(feature = "stbi_no_hdr"))]
pub fn stbi_hdr_to_ldr_gamma(gamma: f32) {
    unsafe { sys::stbi_hdr_to_ldr_gamma(gamma) }

#[cfg(not(feature = "stbi_no_hdr"))]
pub fn stbi_hdr_to_ldr_scale(scale: f32) {
    unsafe { sys::stbi_hdr_to_ldr_scale(scale) }

#[cfg(not(feature = "stbi_no_linear"))]
pub fn stbi_ldr_to_hdr_gamma(gamma: f32) {
    unsafe { sys::stbi_ldr_to_hdr_gamma(gamma) }

#[cfg(not(feature = "stbi_no_linear"))]
pub fn stbi_ldr_to_hdr_scale(scale: f32) {
    unsafe { sys::stbi_ldr_to_hdr_scale(scale) }

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use std::fs;
    use std::path::PathBuf;

    fn fixture_path(file: &str) -> PathBuf {
        let root = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));
        let mut path = PathBuf::from(root.parent().unwrap());



    fn info_from_memory() {
        let data = fs::read(fixture_path("white.png")).expect("Failed to read test file");

        let info = stbi_info_from_memory(&data).expect("Failed to get image info from memory");
        assert_eq!(info.width, 20);
        assert_eq!(info.height, 30);
        assert_eq!(info.components, 1);

    fn info_from_reader() {
        let mut f = fs::File::open(fixture_path("white.png")).expect("Failed to open file reader");
        let info = stbi_info_from_reader(&mut f).expect("Failed to get image info from callbacks");

        assert_eq!(info.width, 20);
        assert_eq!(info.height, 30);
        assert_eq!(info.components, 1);

    fn load_8bit_from_memory() {
        let data = fs::read(fixture_path("white.png")).expect("Failed to read test file");
        let (info, image) =
            stbi_load_from_memory(&data, Channels::Grey).expect("Failed to load image");

        assert_eq!(info.width, 20);
        assert_eq!(info.height, 30);
        assert_eq!(info.components, 1);

        let data = image.as_slice();
        assert_eq!(data.len(), 600);

        for c in data.iter().cloned() {
            assert_eq!(c, 255);

    fn load_8bit_from_reader() {
        let mut f = fs::File::open(fixture_path("white.png")).expect("Failed to open file reader");
        let (info, image) = stbi_load_from_reader(&mut f, Channels::Grey)
            .expect("Failed to load image from reader");

        assert_eq!(info.width, 20);
        assert_eq!(info.height, 30);
        assert_eq!(info.components, 1);

        let data = image.as_slice();
        assert_eq!(data.len(), 600);

        for c in data.iter().cloned() {
            assert_eq!(c, u8::MAX);

    fn load_16bit_from_memory() {
        let data = fs::read(fixture_path("white.png")).expect("Failed to read test file");
        let (info, image) =
            stbi_load_16_from_memory(&data, Channels::Default).expect("Failed to load image");

        assert_eq!(info.width, 20);
        assert_eq!(info.height, 30);
        assert_eq!(info.components, 1);

        let data = image.as_slice();
        assert_eq!(data.len(), 600);

        for c in data.iter().cloned() {
            assert_eq!(c, u16::MAX);

    fn load_16bit_from_memory_remap_channels() {
        let data = fs::read(fixture_path("white.png")).expect("Failed to read test file");
        let (info, image) =
            stbi_load_16_from_memory(&data, Channels::GreyAlpha).expect("Failed to load image");

        assert_eq!(info.width, 20);
        assert_eq!(info.height, 30);
        assert_eq!(info.components, 1);

        let data = image.as_slice();
        assert_eq!(data.len(), 1200);

        for c in data.iter().cloned() {
            assert_eq!(c, u16::MAX);

    fn into_vec() {
        let data = fs::read(fixture_path("white.png")).expect("Failed to read test file");
        let (_, image) =
            stbi_load_from_memory(&data, Channels::Grey).expect("Failed to load image");

        let v = image.into_vec();

        assert_eq!(v.len(), 600);
        for c in v {
            assert_eq!(c, 255);