[][src]Module stb::easy_font

Intended for when you just want to get some text displaying in a 3D app as quickly as possible.



Font quad vertex. You can ignore z and color if you get them from elsewhere. This format was chosen in the hopes it would make it easier for you to reuse existing vertex-buffer-drawing code.



Takes a string and returns the vertical size (which can vary if text has newlines)


Takes a string (which can contain '\n') and fills out a vertex buffer with renderable data to draw the string. Output data assumes increasing x is rightwards, increasing y is downwards. The vertex data is divided into quads, i.e. there are four vertices in the vertex buffer for each quad. If you pass in None for color, it becomes [255, 255, 255, 255]. Returns the number of quads. If the buffer isn't large enough, it will truncate. Expect it to use an average of ~270 bytes per character.


Use positive values to expand the space between characters, and small negative values (no smaller than -1.5) to contract the space between characters. E.g. spacing = 1 adds one "pixel" of spacing between the characters. spacing = -1 is reasonable but feels a bit too compact to me; -0.5 is a reasonable compromise as long as you're scaling the font up.


Takes a string and returns the horizontal size