statusbar 0.3.5

dwm statusbar

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[<img alt="" src="" height="20">](
[<img alt="" src="" height="20">](
[<img alt="build status" src="" height="20">](

A DWM statusbar that shows the following information:
[hostname][user] => cpu %, mem %, net [ip0, ip1], bat [bat0, bat1], date time

## install
`cargo install --locked statusbar` or see our github [releases](

## usage
Usage: statusbar [OPTIONS]

      --interface <INTERFACE>  network interface for display of ip addresses
      --username <USERNAME>    override return from first user in sys.users()
  -h, --help                   Print help
  -V, --version                Print version

For example:
./statusbar --interface wlan0 --interface enp0s31f6